Black flash before app shows

Hi I’m new to fuse, and love the fact it’s easy to build apps with cool animations.

I’ve just started my first project for
iOS and built it on my device (iphone6 ios10)

Once the app has loaded and the app splash screen disappeared there is a black screen before the app shows just for a split second…

Has anyone seen this and know of what is causing it or of a way to get rid of it?


Just to add Im running fuse 0.30.0 build8529

It appears that this black screen replaces the loading screen in preview mode.

Can anyone from Fuse confirm if this is expected behaviour or not?


Hard to comment without a reproduction test-case or seeing some code. You can upload one (privately) here, and the dev team will take a look at it when they have a chance:

Quick question: does this happen in both preview and export builds? (See here for details on the difference).

Difficult to say as the preview doesn’t have the launch-screen functionality for iOS so not sure when it is triggered, but there does appear to be a slight flash be the App loading screen appears.

I’m just running this example from your website…
I then add an iOS launch screen to the config:
“iOS”: {
“Icons”: {
“iPhone_29_2x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small@2x.png”,
“iPhone_29_3x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small@3x.png”,
“iPhone_40_2x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small-40@2x.png”,
“iPhone_40_3x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small-60@2x.png”,
“iPhone_60_2x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small-60@2x.png”,
“iPhone_60_3x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small-60@3x.png”,
“iPad_29_1x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small.png”,
“iPad_29_2x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small@2x.png”,
“iPad_40_1x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small-40@2x.png”,
“iPad_40_2x”: “assets/ios/Icon-Small-40@2x.png”,
“iPad_76_1x”: “assets/ios/Icon-76.png”,
“iPad_76_2x”: “assets/ios/Icon-76@2x.png”
“LaunchImages”: {
“iPhone_Portrait_2x”: “assets/ios/iPhone4@2x.png”, // 640x960
“iPhone_Portrait_R4”: “assets/ios/iPhone5-4.png”, // 640x1136
“iPhone_Portrait_R47”: “assets/ios/iPhone6-4.7.png”, // 750x1334
“iPhone_Portrait_R55”: “assets/ios/iPhone6plus-5.5-Portrait.png”, // 1242x2208
“iPhone_Landscape_R55”: “assets/ios/iPhone6plus-5.5-Landscape.png”, // 2208x1242
“iPad_Portrait_1x”: “assets/ios/iPad-Portrait.png”, // 768x1024
“iPad_Portrait_2x”: “assets/ios/iPad-Portrait@2x.png”, // 1536x2048
“iPad_Landscape_1x”: “assets/ios/iPad-Landscape.png”, // 1024x768
“iPad_Landscape_2x”: “assets/ios/iPad-Landscape@2x.png” // 2048x1536

App build it to my iOS device. If you see the same let me know, otherwise I’ll paste the app (just a copy of yours) to the dropbox link provided.

Thanks for replying.

Apologies - Also it happens on the iOS6 device in preview mode too. Black screen before the app loading page appears.

Just to clarify: iOS6? Or iOS 10 on an iPhone 6?

Not making it easy for you am i!!!

Sorry - iPhone6 - iOS10.

Hi Bent,

Thanks for your help - I’ve uploaded the app (including build code) and also a screen recording of it in action so you can see what I’m referring too.

Thanks again.

We got the MOV-file, but no code, through the Dropbox link.

Hi Bent,

It took a while to upload (200mb), but should be there now (compressed in a zip file). If you don’t get it soon let me know, and i’ll try again.

It just arrived now. :slight_smile: Tip: next time, skip the build folder (without it (those are temporary build files anyway), the ZIP was 1.5 MB :wink:

ahh ok - will do thanks.

Thought they might help you to spot if something was amiss.

Did you spot the issue I’m referring too? any initial thoughts?

Thanks for you time on time. Really want to be able to use fuse for this project, but this is a sticking point as I want to animate out the apploading screen (similar to the twitter app).