On 1.2.1, iOS preview, front camera:
- image captured by CameraView, which can be previewed fine
- FileSystem.getFileInfoSync returns file info, including size
- FileSystem.readTextFromFile and FileSystem.readTextFromFileSync, given the filename returned by CameraView, return empty strings
Hi, are you able to provide an isolated example of this happening?
Able and willing
Here’s a sample trying to do all sorts of things with a video and an image:
- video cannot be read from file (20-50 bytes only present in content variable)
- video cannot be saved to camera roll (come to think of it, I think camera roll is dead in iOS 10, replaced by photo library. Could that be a reason?)
- image cannot be read from file (0 length)
- uncommenting the cameraroll.publish line will crash the app
- file info for both image and video looks fine in terms of size
Thank you
Hi, any news on this? I have an app under heavy development which requires capturing images and videos and uploads them, so I am wondering if I have hit a wall here.
Thank you
Hey Costin, sorry for the wait.
An internal ticket has been made, and we have top men working on it. Sadly, i can’t guarantee any deadline for a fix at this time.
Thank you! Hopefully it will arrive in due time (this month
The issue also applies to images captured using the Camera module, not only CameraView. Must be a FileSystem issue, then. It seems at this point it’s not possible to send the contents of a file (binary) to the server, which is… bad.
Hold the press!
Trying to console.log anything from ReadText or ReadBuffer yielded empty string, but when I tried sending over a Base64.encodeBuffer(FileSystem.readBufferFromFile)
result, it was actually ok. So there’s just a serialisation issue in there, maybe.
I think that at this point this issue has a much limited impact, so I can move on.
The other reported issues: Camera Roll and CameraView video capture format and no sound remain, though.