Push Notification Documentation Bug

The documentation at https://www.fusetools.com/learn/guides/iospushnotification references

<Fuse.PushNotifications.JS.PushNotify ux:Global="PushNotify" />

but when used causes these errors:

/Fuse/NewsFeed/MyApp.ux(74,24): E3111: Fuse.PushNotifications does not contain type or namespace 'JS'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Fuse/NewsFeed/MyApp.ux(9): E8001: Data type not found: Fuse.PushNotifications.JS.PushNotify
/Fuse/NewsFeed/MyApp.ux(9): E8001: Could not resolve type 'Fuse.PushNotifications.JS.PushNotify'

I have much more success getting this to work (at least can get DeviceToken):

<FuseJS.Push ux:Global="Push" />

Good catch! We will go correct that now.


I am using

FuseJS.Push ux:Global=“Push”

and I have included Fuse.PushNotifications in my .unoproj file, but I am still getting

Type FuseJS.Push not found

I have also done this, and it works for me. Please note that you must run on a device for notifications to run. Where do you get the error? Can you post the whole log?

Same here.

Edit: Works with update.