Asset not loaded in Android preview (0.20.3)


I did a preview on Android device and the assets wasn’t loaded properly. This not happen in local preview, iOS preview and Android build, just the android preview mode. Previously I use awesome font and it’s mixed with the default font. The text input using the awesome font and even some image assets was in a wrong placement. After removing the awesome font, now the image is not loaded at all (previously there are ‘connecting …’ image, now it’s just a black’

Fuse version 0.20.3 (build 6549) OSX

I am having the exact same issue with font awesome and image assets in android preview.


Thanks for reporting, what devices are you guys experienceing these issues on?

I’m using Lenovo A536 and I don’t have another Android device to test

Mine is a Huawei Y520

I am also experiencing same issue, device is Xiaomi Mi 4

Android Version : 4.4.4 KTU84P MIUI Version : MIUI Global 7.1