I have a problem, certainly understanding: P and inexperience with Fuse, I would like to start the toggleSidebar function of theDrawerPanel.ux file inside the Menu.ux file but it will not work. The toggleSidebar function is not started at all. Why? What is my mistake?
Many thanks in advance.
P.S: I’m learning Fuse and then starting a Community Italian
This is how the Menu.ux file does not have the function but is only present in theDrawerPanel.ux file, but if you notice the toggleSidebar function is called in the MainView.ux file and works correctly. In the Menu.ux file the function does not start … Do you ever get it?
If I have to say the toggleSidebar function inside the Menu.uxfile, how do I join the edgeNav` element?
@Francesco: you’re calling the toggleSidebar function from MainView.ux, and the data context for it lives in Main.js. In Main.js, you don’t have the function, so there is nothing to call.
If you want to reach the function declared in the JavaScript section in DrawerPanel.ux, you should call it from within DrawerPanel.ux UX code.
@uldis: Thank you for your response and pleasure to meet you… The problem is not the MainView.ux file but theMenu.ux file.
In the MainView.ux file, the toggleSidebar function works correctly, but the Menu.ux file does not start the function. And that’s why I do not understand how it works in the MainView.ux file and in Menu.ux no …
This is the whole project … maybe I understand how it works … that is in the MainView file, thetoggleSidebar function works because it is a node inheriting from the DrawerPanel file. Instead, the Menu file does not work because it does not inherit anything fromDrawerPanel. Correct? If so, then in a hypothetical file named Menu.js how do I join theedgeNav class?
I don’t see how that is a problem, or how it keeps you away from making a complete, minimal reproduction to explain the issues you are facing. It is not the material design library that causes the problem.
Here, I wrote this for a start, feel free to adapt it to explain yourself better: