Being pretty new (maybe the last day or so) to the Fuse world, I have been reading over the docs and noticed that there is little mentioned about testing. In all of our production apps, we try to make sure we have test coverage to at least let us know when we break a major feature.
I can see two different potential paths for testing:
- Unit testing the business-logic/JS code
- Functional testing (which can be automated in both iOS and Android through their tools)
On the unit testing/JS side, we already have tons of tooling around javascript testing (i.e. jasmine, karma, mocha, etc.) that the Fuse shouldn’t have to write. I think if it were possible to use a transpiler/compiler (such as babel) and use the output in a Fuse projection, then the unit side of testing could maybe be supported without much Fuse work.
I would guess that functional testing would be the easiest to implement initially and I’d love to get started with Fuse. I think exposing the accessibility label (iOS) would make it possible to functional test without much more work.
In summary: support for testing would be awesome