Skipped 441 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.

hi all, i have a problem, please help me

i have 5 page, each page have algorithm. i create navigation with pageControll navigation and split ti different file.
i compiled to android but get some warning log like this
“Choreographer(20139): Skipped 441 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.”
i think its too many code or algorithm in 1 main thread, because all page run in one main thread.
can i run 1 page in one thread so not too much work on its main thread.

i try to find in forum but not found yet.

i’am sorry for my bad english. i hope you understand

Frames are usually skipped when a lot of work is being done all at once. What you need to do is optimise your code so that it’s less performance intensive.

Also, preview versions of apps are generally MUCH slower that release builds, so make sure you measure performance on a proper build.

There is no easy way to work with threading, but you can look into Foreign code and write some Uno if you like.