Problems with the update 1.3.0

I tried many times update Fuse in my laptop with Windows 10 and my PC´s work with windows 8 witout success. The instalator freeze in some point.

Have you tried first uninstalling the previous version of Fuse? What is the point at which the installer freezes? Is it always the same, or totally random?

I not uninstalled the previous version. Always freeze to half installation. Thanks.

Could you please try uninstalling Fuse first, and then install the new version?

I did but doesn´t work :frowning:

Ok… do you have these folders and anything inside them?

If yes, please zip 'em up and share it with us over here.

Sorry, I deleted that folder, sometimes that solve problems. I will install the previous version. Thanks for your answers :slight_smile:

Ok, I remove all traces of Fuse on my PC. (local, trash, etc) I reinstalled the last version and run like a charm. The problem was the multiples traces of each FuseTools install.