Fuse crashing when launching it or trying to uninstall

I had whatever version there was before 0.20. Windows 10. 64bit.

Windows is clean, recently reinstalled. It worked before. I didn’t used it in a while, came back and can’t do anything. Can’t launch it or uninstall it. Tried using third party removal tool, still no success.

There’s log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw1fxn3ZQ9-CUjBTWnplOGZKN1E/view?usp=sharing


So you installed Fuse again after reinstalling Windows, or did you update from a earlier Windows version to Windows 10?

Had Windows 10, I did reinstall, deleting everything. Reinstalled fuse.

There’s zero problems with everything else. Everything runs great, except fuse.

I see, so this can be a bug in .NET framework. Can you please try to update the framework by installing https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49981?

Emil Sandstø wrote:

I see, so this can be a bug in .NET framework. Can you please try to update the framework by installing https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49981

It says I already have it. Should I reinstall it?

Hmm, I don’t know if that’s necessary. I would rather have tried to reinstall fuse, if you haven’t done that yet.

Emil Sandstø wrote:

Hmm, I don’t know if that’s necessary. I would rather have tried to reinstall fuse, if you haven’t done that yet.

I would, but I can’t uninstall it. Uninstalling itself crashes.

I deleted temp files for other reasons. Maybe that had an impact? Don’t think I’ve done anything else out of ordinary.

Oh, I forgot. Could you send us the installer log found here %temp%/Fuse_[date] to https://www.dropbox.com/request/ZgndLtJQm5eGzG9cicGK

There should be two logs files, I know you shared one of them, but there should be a bigger one too.

I assume you needed the latest one? Uploaded it.

Is the error code when running the uninstaller 1603?


running the installer as administrator? Right click -> run as administrator?

eivind.teig@gmail.com wrote:

running the installer as administrator? Right click → run as administrator?

Tried launching fuse as admin, still same.

Could you try to follow this guide?
