Problems with fuse-sqlite

I want use this module:

I installed this using fusepm but there is some issues when use: var sqlite = require(‘SQLite’);

<Error message: Uncaught require(): module not found: SQLite>

My unoproj file:

  "Packages": [
  "Projects": [
  "Includes": [
  "Android": {
    "Geo": {
      "ApiKey": "AIzaSyApfHTJfXii5QrB3IpPIfPXFte-FB68FWY"
    "Icons": {
      "LDPI": "Pages/Icons/icons/ldpi.png",
      "MDPI": "Pages/Icons/icons/mdpi.png",
      "HDPI": "Pages/Icons/icons/hdpi.png",
      "XHDPI": "Pages/Icons/icons/xhdpi.png",
      "XXHDPI": "Pages/Icons/icons/xxhdpi.png",
      "XXXHDPI": "Pages/Icons/icons/xxxhdpi.png"
  "Excludes": [
  "FusePM": {
    "Dependencies": [

Did you run uno clean in the project root folder, and rebuild your project after that?

Yes, I did but don´t work. :frowning:

ok only add:

<SQLite ux:Global="SQLite" />

In the MainView.ux and works !! :smiley: