Multiple document element was detected. Line 2, position 3.

i have this error but i dont know how to fix it can someone please help me :slight_smile:

This is the error im getting “Multiple document element was detected. Line 2, position 3. - /Users/mac/Desktop/FuseProjects/GoMuisc/MainView.ux(2:1):E”

        <App Theme="Fuse.BasicTheme" ClearColor="#eeeeeeff"/>
    <Text DockPanel.Dock="Top" FontSize="30" TextAlignment="Center">___GoMusic___</Text>
    <ScrollViewer ClipToBounds="true">

Can someone please help me find where the error is and how to fix it. Thanks in advance


You have to remove the / at the end of your <App .. /> tag :slight_smile:

I reccommend you read a tutorial on XML syntax, e.g.