Is it possible to do background service with geolocation?


I am trying to get the location when the app in on background. I succeeded on Android but not on iOS. My code is:

var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var GeoLocation = require("FuseJS/GeoLocation");
var Timer = require("FuseJS/Timer");

var TimmerGPS;
function StartGPS() {
    TimmerGPS = Timer.create(function() {
        GeoLocation.getLocation(25000).then(function(location) {

           //Do something with the location
        }).catch(function(fail) {
            console.log("getLocation fail " + fail);
    }, 30000, true);
function StopGPS() {
module.exports = {
    StartGPS: StartGPS,
    StopGPS: StopGPS

Any idea how can I do this on iOS?
When I try on iOS the Timer Pause when the app is on background

:partying_face: Background Geolocation is now officially done! :smile:

Big thanks and shout out to the guys at the Good Factory for sponsoring its development.

[UPDATE - 11 Feb 2020]
Its included in the latest versions of Uno & Fuselibs :champagne:

Uno PRs:

Fuselibs PR: