IOS build

My app was fully functional on the preview build, once i did a release build the layout of the app changed (larger) and some of my functionalities stopped working. Specially for older versions of IOS. Any idea what would be the problem?

The app is already on the app store, its called GADDEN. On the latest version of IOS it looks fine.
But on older versions it doesn’t look fine! Can someone please give me a feedback? Thanks!


you will need to be much more specific and describe exactly what appears different between preview and release builds.

Aside from that, doing proper on-device testing before launching a project is absolutely necessary (in general, not just with Fuse), and is a responsibility of yours.

I took a screenshot of different layouts of the same app from different versions of IOS

Screenshots alone will not be of any help. Please see my answer to your other forum post and provide something that we can work with.