InterApp Modules not found

I’m trying to use InterApp module, but when I build, I get the following error:
LOG: Error: JavaScript error in MainView.js line 3: Error message: Uncaught require(): module not found: FuseJS/InterApp
File name: MainView.js
Line number: 3
Source line: var InterApp = require(“FuseJS/InterApp”);
in Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript<C:\Users\Afshar\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.46.1$.uno:1670>

Line 3 would be: var InterApp = require(“FuseJS/InterApp”);
I’m using fuse 0.35.

Any ideas how to solve this?


Have you added "Fuse.Launcher" to the packages list in your .unoproj as mentioned in the docs?

No, I missed that.
My mistake, thanks

I added “Fuse.Launcher” to the packages list in my .unoproj
But I got Error message: Uncaught require(): module not found: FuseJS/InterApp

Hi Moaz,

after making changes to your .unoproj file, you usually need to run uno clean command in your project folder and restart the preview / rebuild the app.