I am tyring to follow the example in the following link:
And I keep getting the following error message.
[GT-N7100]: Error: : Error message: Uncaught require(): module not found: FuseJS/CameraRoll
File name: Pages/Photo.js
Line number: 2
Source line: var CameraRoll = require("FuseJS/CameraRoll");
in Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript.DiagnosticSubject<Pages/Photo.js:2>
I have added the references in the project file as well and I have called ‘uno clean’ after changing it:
"Packages": [
"Includes": [
So is there anything else that I need to do?
Yes, you also need to rebuild the project after you run uno clean
I am still getting the same thing. This is from the log after running it on my android phone.
07-24 17:02:32.152 29863 29904 I mob : Error: JavaScript error in Pages/Photo.js line 2: Error message: Uncaught require(): module not found: FuseJS/CameraRoll
07-24 17:02:32.152 29863 29904 I mob : File name: Pages/Photo.js
07-24 17:02:32.152 29863 29904 I mob : Line number: 2
07-24 17:02:32.152 29863 29904 I mob : Source line: var CameraRoll = require("FuseJS/CameraRoll");
07-24 17:02:32.152 29863 29904 I mob : in Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript<C:\Users\Naza\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Packages\Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript\1.1.0\$.uno:466>
Well did you add "Fuse.CameraRoll"
to the list of packages?
I managed to get it to work. I didn’t know why I didn’t notice the difference between Fuse.Camera and Fuse.CameraRoll in the packages. Thanks.