Installing apk on android from windows cmd


I am an OS X user. To install my app on an android device i first “build - for android” (from the sublime text menu) then i go the mac console and run: " adb install ‘My App.apk’ " and it works wonders

but when I try to do the same from a windows cmd i get the following error:

note: in the cmd i have to change the ’ for " --> adb install “My App.apk”

i am running it as admin… the device is shown on the list of attached devices.

Hi, you should not have to interact with adb directly when using Fuse. If you do fuse build -tandroid -r, the app will be deployed to your device.

What if i want to send the apk for someone to install it?

ok… i found that in windows u should “adb install” the apk file in: urAppName/app/src/main/bin/urAppName-debug.apk

Another trick is to upload the apk somewhere, eg. DropBox, then ask him/she to turn on “Allow apps from unknown sources”. After that the apk can be installed by just clicking the link.

thnx!! that seems way easier as you may guess i am not too kind on Android :smiley: