ImageTools.resize not working

I am having trouble resizing an image that I get from cameraRoll.
When a call the function this way

cameraRoll.getImage().then(function(image) {
     var options = {
		mode : ImageTools.IGNORE_ASPECT,
		desiredWidth : desiredW,
		desiredHeight : desiredH,
		performInPlace : false
     return ImageTools.resize(image, options);
     console.log("error: "+JSON.stringify(error));

I am getting the following error
LOG: error: "Can't compress a recycled bitmap"

My searchs in google returned me that this is a problem usually related with the command recycle in Android but I dont know how to get around this issue.

So I tested a lot of things and found some odd behaviours that I thought woulb be good to add to this problem.

  1. if I try to use the image from the camera, or it’s properties, to anything I get the error. like:
camera.takePicture().then(function(image) {
    var dh = image.height; //get the error
    var newImage = image; // get the error

     return ImageTools.resize(image, options);
  1. if I do nothing with the image but I pass the same value to desiredWidth and desiredHeight I also get the error. Like:
camera.takePicture().then(function(image) {
     return ImageTools.resize(image, {
			mode: ImageTools.IGNORE_ASPECT,
			desiredWidth: 720, 
			desiredHeight: 720

the only way that I found to get around this and do what I want was get all the values I needed from the image and fake a crop in it (cropping to the original values), then resizing the new image without manipulating it.

		postPic.value = image;
		iniW = image.width;
		iniH = image.height;
			var options = {
				x : 0,
				y : 0,
				width : iniW,
				height : iniH,
				performInPlace : false
		return ImageTools.crop(image, options);
		return ImageTools.resize(same, optionsToResize(iniW,iniH));

Crop is a very slow process and doing this workaround took a lot of responsiveness from the app.