How can I get this done with a PageControl

I try many things but I always get this:

My PageControl
<PageControl ux:Name="proyectos">
<Panel ux:Class="SliceClass" ux:Name="Slice" Alignment="VerticalCenter" Width="77%" Height="50%">
<Change ProyectoPageControl.Height="80%" Duration="0.3" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />
<Rectangle Color="#68A038" CornerRadius="5" />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
The trick is in the Scale
property on Entering- and ExitingAnimation. 
Take a look at this example for instance:
Thanks Remi! Work great! But I have a problem:
If you notice the video only work when I start dragging, after that the other elements don’t appear
My code:
<Panel ux:Name="Slider">
<!-- -->
<LinearNavigation ux:Name="nav">
<NavigationMotion GotoEasing="QuadraticOut" GotoDuration="0.3" />
<SwipeNavigate SwipeDirection="Left"/>
<!-- -->
<Panel ux:Class="SliceClass" ux:Name="Slice" Opacity="0.8" Alignment="VerticalCenter" Width="77%" Height="65%">
<Change Slice.Opacity="1" Duration="0.5"/>
<Change Slice.Height="80%" Duration="0.3" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />
<EnteringAnimation Scale="0.5">
<Move X="-1.6" RelativeTo="ParentSize" Duration="0.5"/>
<ExitingAnimation Scale="0.5">
<Move X="1.6" RelativeTo="ParentSize" Duration="0.5"/>
<Rectangle Color="#68A038" CornerRadius="5" />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<PageIndicator Alignment="Center" Margin="5" Navigation="nav" Y="60%">
<Circle ux:Template="Dot" Width="9" Height="9" Margin="4">
<SolidColor ux:Name="dotStrokeBody" Color="#0000" />
<Stroke ux:Name="dotStroke" Width="1">
<SolidColor ux:Name="dotStrokeColor" Color="#fff" />
<Change dotStrokeBody.Color="#fff" />
<Change dotStrokeColor.Color="#fff" />
I can’t see anything wrong with your code. I’d expect it to work. Can you show me the surrounding UX as well so I can test with a bit larger fragment?
Here is the code and the issue in a video:
<App ux:Class="MainView">
<Page HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" ClipToBounds="true">
<Panel ux:Name="Slider">
<!-- -->
<LinearNavigation ux:Name="nav">
<NavigationMotion GotoEasing="QuadraticOut" GotoDuration="0.3" />
<SwipeNavigate SwipeDirection="Left"/>
<!-- -->
<Panel ux:Class="SliceClass" ux:Name="Slice" Opacity="0.8" Alignment="VerticalCenter" Width="77%" Height="65%">
<Change Slice.Opacity="1" Duration="0.5"/>
<Change Slice.Height="80%" Duration="0.3" Easing="QuadraticInOut" />
<EnteringAnimation Scale="0.5">
<Move X="-1.6" RelativeTo="ParentSize" Duration="0.5"/>
<ExitingAnimation Scale="0.5">
<Move X="1.6" RelativeTo="ParentSize" Duration="0.5"/>
<Rectangle Color="#68A038" CornerRadius="5" />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<PageIndicator Alignment="Center" Margin="5" Navigation="nav" Y="60%">
<Circle ux:Template="Dot" Width="9" Height="9" Margin="4">
<SolidColor ux:Name="dotStrokeBody" Color="#0000" />
<Stroke ux:Name="dotStroke" Width="1">
<SolidColor ux:Name="dotStrokeColor" Color="#fff" />
<Change dotStrokeBody.Color="#fff" />
<Change dotStrokeColor.Color="#fff" />
This appears to be a defect with how Scale
is applied during rooting – basically it isn’t, so all those animations are set to 100%, thus none of them appear. This will require a fuselibs fix to resolve.
I did find a workaround though, and I understand why none of our tests picked this up. Any post-rooting change will basically switch to the right values. In this case I managed to use Deferred
to get this working:
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />
<SliceClass />