fusetools ver 1.2.1

we write a application with fusetools for ios and android.
the application is working succesfully on iphone 4-5-6-7-8 and android samsung phones , it is works good in all telephones

but only one telephone it doesnt work “Asus zenfone 6” in this telephone we download the app on playstore and when we run the application its open but 1 second later suddenly closed we get crashed about it.

why it is closed the application? help plz

Hi Marc.

Fuse applications are meant to be run on ARM. This particular phone has an x86 CPU, and it is known to have a really buggy ARM emulator. Unfortunately we don’t have control over that and can’t provide any further support.

can we do a something to solve the problem with using 3rd party program for output .apk file?

This isn’t about the APK file, but about the processor (and a buggy ARM emulator) on a particular device model. I have no idea how “using a 3rd party program to output APK file” could help in this case.

The best you could do is get your hands on one such device and do some testing via Android Studio - perhaps you’d get a trace of the crash that contains enough information to isolate the root cause of it. If it turns out to be something that we can fix, we of course will.