Fuse preview and build fails to deploy on Android 8.0 (when app not already installed)

Fuse Version: 1.2.1 (build 13974)

OS: Windows 10
Device: Pixel XL (Android 8.0) and Pixel (Android 7.1)

Fuse preview and build fails to deploy on Android 8.0 when the app is not already installed. This happens when running fuse preview -t=android or fuse build -t=android --run from the CLI or from Fuse’s desktop app. Installing the APK via adb then running fuse preview -t=android allows previews to be deployed via Fuse’s CLI or desktop app.

Error from log:

Installing APK on 1 device(s)
Exception occurred while executing:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown package: com.apps.fusetestapp
        at com.android.server.pm.Settings.isOrphaned(Settings.java:4400)
        at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.isOrphaned(PackageManagerService.java:21369)
        at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.deletePackageVersioned(PackageManagerService.java:18443)
        at com.android.server.pm.PackageInstallerService.uninstall(PackageInstallerService.java:913)
        at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerShellCommand.runUninstall(PackageManagerShellCommand.java:912)
        at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerShellCommand.onCommand(PackageManagerShellCommand.java:134)
        at android.os.ShellCommand.exec(ShellCommand.java:96)
        at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.onShellCommand(PackageManagerService.java:21668)
        at android.os.Binder.shellCommand(Binder.java:573)
        at android.os.Binder.onTransact(Binder.java:473)
        at android.content.pm.IPackageManager$Stub.onTransact(IPackageManager.java:2642)
        at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.onTransact(PackageManagerService.java:3485)
        at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:674)

Thanks for reporting! A ticket has been raised & linked to this forum post, and you’ll get notified when there’s some progress.

We have found the cause of this bug and are currently fine-tuning a fix internally. We have also seen a font related bug on android 8 which we have a internal fix for also. You can find a thread relating to that here: https://www.fusetools.com/community/forums/general/app_wont_run_or_preview_on_oreo_pixel_xl?page=1&highlight=5350da56-7a0f-4fa9-a375-c90f40f34355#post-5350da56-7a0f-4fa9-a375-c90f40f34355

Hello fuse community,

i have the same Error on Mac OS X 10.12.6 and Android 8.0 on a Google Pixel.

Thanks for reporting scotty2nd! 2 fixes were needed, 1 is in and the other is in review (some small details around build speed to be ironed out) We will keep you posted.

Both are in. Hopefully out in the next release.

Hello guys, are you planning to release the fix for Android 8 soon?

@Andrea yes, a version with the fix included is currently in QA testing, and it should become an official release as soon as we fix all blockers we find.