Hi guys , i’m facing a little bug trying to retrieve some place using google api (place autocomplete) and fetch this is what my code looks like.
function predictionfrom(id, description){
var self = this;
this.id = id;
this.description = Observable(description)
function searchPLace(arg){
var input = "&input=" + arg.value;
var url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?key=googleKey&language=fr" + input
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST'
var obj = JSON.parse(results._bodyInit)
return new predictionfrom(x.id, x.description)
When i test it with preview mode , all seems to work well (address and city works well) , but when i export to device i can just only retrieve city , address dont works , some images with the same address in preview mode and export to understand the issue.
![file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/dnutTpS8HAEB-image-1483044525292. 29 21-46-21.png)