need help with foreign code on iOS.

Hi guys I’m building a fuse autocomplete module with foreign code and native integration of google place autocomplete.
the code is here
the android side works pretty well so I’m not gonna dwell on that ( to get the android part working you need to activate autocomplete for android in the google console and add the api key to geo.uxl file under

this is the iOS part

using Uno;
using Uno.UX;
using Uno.Collections;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Triggers;
using Fuse.Controls;
using Fuse.Controls.Native;
using Fuse.Controls.Native.Android;
using Uno.Threading;

namespace Fuse.PlaceAutocomple

    [Require("Cocoapods.Podfile.Target", "pod 'GooglePlaces'")]
    [Require("Cocoapods.Podfile.Target", "pod 'GooglePlacePicker'")]
    [Require("Cocoapods.Podfile.Target", "pod 'GoogleMaps'")]
    [Require("Source.Include", "GooglePlaces/GooglePlaces.h")]
    [Require("Source.Include", "GooglePlacePicker/GooglePlacePicker.h")]
    [Require("Source.Include", "GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h")]
   class Launch: Promise<string>

    public Launch()
    	  [GMSPlacesClient provideAPIKey:@""];
    	  [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@""];
    	  GMSPlacePickerConfig *config = [[GMSPlacePickerConfig alloc] initWithViewport:nil];
		  GMSPlacePickerViewController *placePicker = [[GMSPlacePickerViewController alloc] initWithConfig:config];

		  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
				[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] presentViewController:placePicker animated:YES completion:nil];

    void Resolve(string message)

      void Reject(string reason)
        Reject(new Exception(reason));



to get it working you will need first to activate autocomplete for iOS in the google console and replace both [GMSPlacesClient provideAPIKey:@""] and [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@""] with an existing and functioning google apikey.
like its specified here (ObjC part) we need to assign a placePicker.delegate to a controller view placePicker.delegate = self.
how can I achieve this using foreign code ?

second question I need to get the callback when user chooses a place and return it in my promise or when the user cancel the view and dismiss the place autocomplete view.

// To receive the results from the place picker 'self' will need to conform to
// GMSPlacePickerViewControllerDelegate and implement this code.
- (void)placePicker:(GMSPlacePickerViewController *)viewController didPickPlace:(GMSPlace *)place {
  // Dismiss the place picker, as it cannot dismiss itself.
  [viewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

  NSLog(@"Place name %@",;
  NSLog(@"Place address %@", place.formattedAddress);
  NSLog(@"Place attributions %@", place.attributions.string);

- (void)placePickerDidCancel:(GMSPlacePickerViewController *)viewController {
  // Dismiss the place picker, as it cannot dismiss itself.
  [viewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

  NSLog(@"No place selected");

how can I achieve this in foreign code ?

I have a hunch that Fuse.Share implementation might hold some good tips. Or perhaps the DatePicker.

Did not find how to get it working with those links , can I have a more elaborate answer ?
this is what I’m doing now.
I tried to add a delegate by building an NSObject to get the autocomplete callback
this is the placeautocompleteIOS.h file

#include <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>
#include <GooglePlacePicker/GooglePlacePicker.h>
#include <GooglePlaces/GooglePlaces.h>

@interface AutocompliteCallBacks : NSObject<GMSPlacePickerViewControllerDelegate>


and this is the file

#import <placeautocompleteIOS.h>
#include <@{Fuse.PlaceAutocomple.PlaceAutocompleModule:Include}>
#include <@{ObjC.Object:Include}>

@implementation AutocompliteCallBacks : NSObject

// To receive the results from the place picker 'self' will need to conform to
// GMSPlacePickerViewControllerDelegate and implement this code.
- (void)placePicker:(GMSPlacePickerViewController *)viewController didPickPlace:(GMSPlace *)place {

  NSLog(@"place name")

  NSLog(@"Place name %@",;
  NSLog(@"Place address %@", place.formattedAddress);
  NSLog(@"Place attributions %@", place.attributions.string);

- (void)placePickerDidCancel:(GMSPlacePickerViewController *)viewController {

  NSLog(@"No place selected");


then I pass my NSObject as delegate in my as below

placePicker.delegate = [[AutocompliteCallBacks alloc] init];

but still not working.

any tips ?

Hi updated my code and it seems to works properly but I have one last question about resolving and rejecting promise from foreign native file.
this is my file.

#pragma mark - GMSAutocompleteViewControllerDelegate
#include <Uno/Uno.h>
#include <@{Fuse.PlaceAutocomple.Launch:Include}>
#include <@{ObjC.Object:Include}>
#include "placeautocompleteIOS.h"

@interface AutocompliteCallBacks ()


@implementation AutocompliteCallBacks

// To receive the results from the place picker 'self' will need to conform to
// GMSPlacePickerViewControllerDelegate and implement this code.
- (void)viewController:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController didAutocompleteWithPlace:(GMSPlace *)place {
    // Do something with the selected place.
    [[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
    NSLog(@"Place name %@",;
    NSLog(@"Place address %@", place.formattedAddress);

    NSObject *object;
    NSString *myString = place.formattedAddress;


- (void)viewController:(nonnull GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController didFailAutocompleteWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error { 
    [[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

- (void)wasCancelled:(nonnull GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController { 
	[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

- (void)placePickerDidCancel:(GMSPlacePickerViewController *)viewController {
	[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
	//[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
  	NSLog(@"No place selected");


this is my placeautocompleteIOS file

#include <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include <Uno-iOS/Context.h>
#include <Uno-iOS/Uno-iOS.h>
#include <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>
#include <GooglePlacePicker/GooglePlacePicker.h>
#include <GooglePlaces/GooglePlaces.h>

@interface AutocompliteCallBacks : NSObject <GMSAutocompleteViewControllerDelegate>
- (void)viewController:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController didAutocompleteWithPlace:(GMSPlace *)place;
- (void)placePickerDidCancel:(GMSPlacePickerViewController *)viewController;
- (void)viewController:(nonnull GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController didFailAutocompleteWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error;
- (void)wasCancelled:(nonnull GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController;

and the last one file my file

using Uno;
using Uno.UX;
using Uno.Collections;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Triggers;
using Fuse.Controls;
using Fuse.Controls.Native;
using Fuse.Controls.Native.Android;
using Uno.Threading;

namespace Fuse.PlaceAutocomple

    [Require("Cocoapods.Podfile.Target", "pod 'GooglePlaces'")]
    [Require("Cocoapods.Podfile.Target", "pod 'GooglePlacePicker'")]
    [Require("Cocoapods.Podfile.Target", "pod 'GoogleMaps'")]
    [Require("Source.Include", "GooglePlaces/GooglePlaces.h")]
    [Require("Source.Include", "GooglePlacePicker/GooglePlacePicker.h")]
    [Require("Source.Include", "GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h")]
    [Require("Source.Include", "placeautocompleteIOS.h")]
    [Require("Entity", "Fuse.PlaceAutocomple.Launch.Resolve(string)")]
   class Launch: Promise<string>

  	extern(iOS) static internal ObjC.Object _iosDelegate;

    public Launch()

    	  [GMSPlacesClient provideAPIKey:@"APIKEY"];
    	  [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"APIKEY"];

        	dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        		GMSAutocompleteViewController *acController = [[GMSAutocompleteViewController alloc] init];
        		AutocompliteCallBacks *del = [[AutocompliteCallBacks alloc] init];
            	acController.delegate = @{_iosDelegate:Get()};
				[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] presentViewController:acController animated:YES completion:nil];


    void Resolve(string message)

      void Reject(string reason)
        Reject(new Exception(reason));



how can I resolve or reject my Launch uno promise from my file