Hello, I have this please help me, thank you!
MacBook-Pro-de-User:Armenia Joyeria Boutique user$ uno build --target=ios --configuration=Release
Uno 0.32.2 (build 3045) OS X 10.11 i386 2c7172c
Configuring (7.33s)
Installing dependencies
stuff: GET https://az664292.vo.msecnd.net/files/DVC806fPtYY4Z4hr-uno-base-0.8.614-iOS.zip
Compiling syntax tree (3.55s)
Generating code and data
Building iOS app
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) matching the bundle identifier “com.umbralweb.armeniajb” were found.
The following build commands failed:
Check dependencies
(1 failure)
=== BUILD TARGET ArmeniaJoyeriaBoutique OF PROJECT ArmeniaJoyeriaBoutique WITH THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION (Release) ===
Check dependencies
(unknown): E0200: iOS build failed
Build completed in 79.98 seconds
1 error