Does fuse upport hot update?

Hi,Does fuse support hot update? if does,how to do? thank u

By “hot update” you mean update of the JS and assets in an already deployed production app, right? If so: this is a feature currently on the planning stage and it will make it into Fuse in the future.

It’s not entirely trivial to come up with a good scheme for how this should work with minimal code overhead, which is why we need a bit of time to get it right :slight_smile: But rest assured: we’re working on it.


maybe make it work with code push

coderguy: More likely we will provide a Fuse-specific system for this, which supports updates of both JS and UX markup + other smartness :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see this happening , will make our life so much easier especially for urgent bug fixes

I’d like to bump this thread up. Is there an estimate for availability of this feature?

It’s in our roadmap. See this other thread as well:

When will this be developed? This is the most important feature keeping me stuck to react native.

As of now, there are many other features deemed more important than this one in our internal roadmap, so while it hasn’t been abandoned, it is not yet available. As for a timeline: we try to avoid making feature specific release promises, so you’ll just have to keep paying attention to our updates as they are made available.