I have implemented the solution in FuseExample_Using_APNS_and_Firebase_Together project as advised in the threads to handle Push Notification for both iOS and Android. But now I cannot build it in XCode because of the *Property ‘delegate’ not found on object of type 'FIRMessaging ’ error that comes from the file Firebase.Notifications.iOSImpl.mm:
// public extern void Start() [instance] :28
void iOSImpl::Start()
FireNotificationCallbacks* fireCB = [[FireNotificationCallbacks alloc] init];
iOSImpl::_iosDelegate_ = ::g::ObjC::Object::Create(fireCB);
[FIRMessaging messaging].delegate = (id<FIRMessagingDelegate>)fireCB; //Property 'delegate' not found on object of type 'FIRMessaging *'
I am working on MacBook Pro with macOS High Sierra version 10.13.4. My XCode version is 9.3 (9E145) and Fuse version is v1.8.1 (build 15610). I have also pulled the latest code from GitHub in order to be sure that I am not missing any latest changes that can fix this error.
Thanks in advance,