Fuse version 1.2.1 (build 13974)
macOS Sierra version 10.12.6
/** Steps **/
1- uno clean.
2- fuse build --target=iOS --configuration=Release
3- opening the app with Xcode version 9.0 (9A235)
4-Building the app on iOS for both debugging or release.
/** Code **/
“Packages”: [
“Includes”: [
“Title”: “Wanderlust”,
“Firebase”: {
“GoogleServices”: {
“iOS”: “GoogleService-Info.plist”
“Android”: {
“GooglePlay”: {
“SenderID”: “108807926978”
“iOS”: {
var push = require(“FuseJS/Push”);
var fcm_api = require("…/API/fcm");
push.on(“registrationSucceeded”, function(regID) {
console.log("Reg Succeeded: " + regID);
fcm_api.saveFcm(regID).then(function(response) {});
push.on(“error”, function(reason) {
console.log("Reg Failed: " + reason);
push.on(“receivedMessage”, function(payload) {
console.log("Recieved Push Notification: " + payload);
**The Issue
GCM Token never register or show an error while the same code is functioning just fine on android.