Can not auto complete code when use fuse package in sublime text 3

I can not use auto complete feature of the Fuse package in sublime text 3.

Here are the steps I have done:

  • Installed Fuse and Sublime 3
  • Run fuse install sublime-plugin from the command line.
  • Reset Sublime Text window and laptop window

But it not working !

I need help because I just starting to learn Fuse. Thank you!

Hi, which version of Fuse do you have, and are you on Windows or OS X?

Anders Schau Knatten wrote:

Hi, which version of Fuse do you have, and are you on Windows or OS X?

Version 1.4.14 On Window

Ok, that’s the version of the Fuse sublime plugin, which version of Fuse do you have? You can see this from the Fuse tray icon, or by doing fuse --version in a command line.

Could you please locate the fuse.sublimeplugin.log file in %localappdata%\Fusetools\Fuse\Logs and upload it here?

Anders Schau Knatten wrote:

Ok, that’s the version of the Fuse sublime plugin, which version of Fuse do you have? You can see this from the Fuse tray icon, or by doing fuse --version in a command line.

Could you please locate the fuse.sublimeplugin.log file in %localappdata%\Fusetools\Fuse\Logs and upload it here?

O. Sorry. My Fuse version is: 0.12.4 (build 6406)


2016-05-20 14:42:25,822 [4340] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-05-20 14:42:25,822 [4340] INFO Fuse.log
2016-05-20 14:42:25,823 [4340] INFO Loading plugin
2016-05-20 14:42:25,823 [4340] INFO Sublime version '3114'
2016-05-20 14:42:25,823 [4340] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.14'
2016-05-20 14:42:25,826 [4340] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-05-20 15:03:56,301 [7868] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-05-20 15:03:56,302 [7868] INFO Fuse.log
2016-05-20 15:03:56,302 [7868] INFO Loading plugin
2016-05-20 15:03:56,302 [7868] INFO Sublime version '3114'
2016-05-20 15:03:56,303 [7868] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.14'
2016-05-20 15:03:56,305 [7868] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-05-20 15:04:41,135 [7868] INFO Selection enabled was set to True
2016-05-20 15:04:51,261 [7868] INFO Selection enabled was set to False
2016-05-20 15:04:51,261 [7868] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-05-20 15:04:51,277 [7868] ERROR Fuse not found: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./python3.3/", line 1104, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "fuse in C:\Users\Tran Nam\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Fuse.sublime-package", line 212, in tryConnectThread
  File "./python3.3/", line 576, in check_output
  File "./python3.3/", line 819, in init
  File "./python3.3/", line 1110, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

2016-05-20 15:04:51,277 [7868] ERROR Fuse could not be found.\n\nAttempted to run from: 'fuse'\n\nPlease verify your Fuse installation. If this is the first time you are running Fuse, please try to restart your computer.
2016-05-20 15:10:58,322 [692] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-05-20 15:10:58,322 [692] INFO Fuse.log
2016-05-20 15:10:58,337 [692] INFO Loading plugin
2016-05-20 15:10:58,337 [692] INFO Sublime version '3114'
2016-05-20 15:10:58,337 [692] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.14'
2016-05-20 15:10:58,337 [692] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-05-20 15:11:09,519 [692] INFO Selection enabled was set to True
2016-05-20 15:16:51,061 [532] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-05-20 15:16:51,061 [532] INFO Fuse.log
2016-05-20 15:16:51,061 [532] INFO Loading plugin
2016-05-20 15:16:51,061 [532] INFO Sublime version '3114'
2016-05-20 15:16:51,061 [532] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.14'
2016-05-20 15:16:51,061 [532] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-05-20 15:16:54,107 [532] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-05-20 15:16:54,723 [532] INFO Connecting to localhost:12122
2016-05-20 15:16:54,786 [532] INFO Sending hello request
2016-05-20 15:16:55,796 [532] INFO Got Hello response
2016-05-20 15:16:55,796 [532] INFO Connected to Fuse
2016-05-20 15:23:33,853 [532] INFO Requested build: platform:'windows', build_target:'Default, working_dir:''
2016-05-20 15:23:33,853 [532] INFO Previous build command was 'None'
2016-05-20 15:23:33,853 [532] ERROR No Fuse build target set.\n\nGo to Tools/Build With... to choose one.\n\nFuture attempts to build will use that.
2016-05-20 23:13:22,099 [5792] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-05-20 23:13:22,100 [5792] INFO Fuse.log
2016-05-20 23:13:22,100 [5792] INFO Loading plugin
2016-05-20 23:13:22,100 [5792] INFO Sublime version '3114'
2016-05-20 23:13:22,100 [5792] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.14'
2016-05-20 23:13:22,105 [5792] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-05-20 23:21:12,125 [5792] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-05-20 23:35:16,673 [5792] INFO Selection enabled was set to False
2016-05-20 23:45:48,125 [5792] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-20 23:45:48,128 [5792] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 10:21:29,528 [2284] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-05-21 10:21:29,584 [2284] INFO Fuse.log
2016-05-21 10:21:29,584 [2284] INFO Loading plugin
2016-05-21 10:21:29,585 [2284] INFO Sublime version '3114'
2016-05-21 10:21:29,585 [2284] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.14'
2016-05-21 10:21:29,596 [2284] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-05-21 10:21:37,987 [2284] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-05-21 10:32:39,325 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 10:32:39,325 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:19:57,376 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:19:57,379 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:20:03,338 [2284] ERROR Unexpected fatal error! Please report this to us. \n Build started: FullCompile
 \n Configuring \n demoProject: E0000: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. \n ?: Error E0000: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
 \n (3.47s) \n  \n Build completed in 3.47 seconds. \n     0 Warning(s) \n     1 Error(s) \n Build ended
 \n fuse: Failed to compile project
2016-05-21 16:20:26,906 [2284] INFO Requested build: platform:'windows', build_target:'Default, working_dir:''
2016-05-21 16:20:26,906 [2284] INFO Previous build command was 'None'
2016-05-21 16:20:26,906 [2284] ERROR No Fuse build target set.\n\nGo to Tools/Build With... to choose one.\n\nFuture attempts to build will use that.
2016-05-21 16:20:32,783 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:20:32,787 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:20:37,306 [2284] ERROR Unexpected fatal error! Please report this to us. \n Build started: FullCompile
 \n Configuring \n ......\E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(6): E8001: There is nothing named 'Center' in this scope, and none of the global resources with alias 'Center' can be used here: Unable to convert 'Center' to the required type 'float4'. 'Fuse.Elements.TransformOrigins.Center' is of type 'Fuse.Elements.ITransformOrigin'.  \n E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(6,1): Error E8001: There is nothing named 'Center' in this scope, and none of the global resources with alias 'Center' can be used here: Unable to convert 'Center' to the required type 'float4'. 'Fuse.Elements.TransformOrigins.Center' is of type 'Fuse.Elements.ITransformOrigin'. 
 \n demoProject: E0000: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. \n ?: Error E0000: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
 \n (2.58s) \n  \n Build completed in 2.58 seconds. \n     0 Warning(s) \n     2 Error(s) \n Build ended
 \n fuse: Failed to compile project
2016-05-21 16:21:48,015 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:21:48,015 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:22:03,375 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:22:03,375 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:27:17,332 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:27:17,332 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:27:22,632 [2284] ERROR Unexpected fatal error! Please report this to us. \n Build started: FullCompile
 \n Configuring \n ......\E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(18): E0000: The 'Text' start tag on line 17 position 5 does not match the end tag of 'Page'. Line 18, position 5. \n E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(18,1): Error E0000: The 'Text' start tag on line 17 position 5 does not match the end tag of 'Page'. Line 18, position 5.
 \n ......\E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(18): E8001: The 'Text' start tag on line 17 position 5 does not match the end tag of 'Page'. Line 18, position 5. \n E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(18,1): Error E8001: The 'Text' start tag on line 17 position 5 does not match the end tag of 'Page'. Line 18, position 5.
 \n (3.15s) \n  \n Build completed in 3.15 seconds. \n     0 Warning(s) \n     2 Error(s) \n Build ended
 \n fuse: Failed to compile project
2016-05-21 16:27:56,051 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:27:56,067 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:32:38,715 [2284] INFO Requested goto definition for syntax type 'UX'
2016-05-21 16:32:38,715 [2284] INFO Requested goto definition for 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux': '{'Character': 1, 'Line': 11}'
2016-05-21 16:32:40,725 [2284] INFO No response for goto definition
2016-05-21 16:56:17,934 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:56:17,938 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:56:21,662 [2284] ERROR Unexpected fatal error! Please report this to us. \n Build started: FullCompile
 \n Configuring \n ......\E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(41.26): E1238: Expected name identifier in class declaration \n E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(41,27,41,28): Error E1238: Expected name identifier in class declaration
 \n ......\E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(41.26): E1132: Expected '{' \n E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(41,27,41,28): Error E1132: Expected '{'
 \n ......\E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(41.26): E1108: Unexpected token 'Int' \n E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux(41,27,41,28): Error E1108: Unexpected token 'Int'
 \n (2.69s) \n  \n Build completed in 2.69 seconds. \n     0 Warning(s) \n     3 Error(s) \n Build ended
 \n fuse: Failed to compile project
2016-05-21 16:57:07,850 [2284] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-21 16:57:07,850 [2284] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\CONG VIEC\fuse_demo\demoProject\MainView.ux']
2016-05-23 17:05:36,103 [6952] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-05-23 17:05:36,132 [6952] INFO Fuse.log
2016-05-23 17:05:36,132 [6952] INFO Loading plugin
2016-05-23 17:05:36,132 [6952] INFO Sublime version '3114'
2016-05-23 17:05:36,132 [6952] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.14'
2016-05-23 17:05:36,137 [6952] INFO Plugin loaded successfully

Hi, it looks like fuse is not in path. Can you please open a command line, type fuse --version and see what happens? Do you get the Fuse version string, or something like 'fuse' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.?

If fuse doesn’t work from the command line, could you please try to reboot you computer? This should normally not be necessary, but something might have gone wrong during installation.

If that doesn’t help either, can you please paste the output of doing echo %PATH% in a command line?

Anders Schau Knatten wrote:

Hi, it looks like fuse is not in path. Can you please open a command line, type fuse --version and see what happens? Do you get the Fuse version string, or something like 'fuse' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.?

If fuse doesn’t work from the command line, could you please try to reboot you computer? This should normally not be necessary, but something might have gone wrong during installation.

If that doesn’t help either, can you please paste the output of doing echo %PATH% in a command line?

After I reboot my computer, fuse is working normal on command line.

echo %PATH% like echo fuse, right? I did it and get a string: fuse

I meant to literally type echo %PATH%, as this will display the contents of your PATH variable. But now that fuse works normally on the command line, everything should be fine. Does the Sublime plugin work now too?

Anders Schau Knatten wrote:

I meant to literally type echo %PATH%, as this will display the contents of your PATH variable. But now that fuse works normally on the command line, everything should be fine. Does the Sublime plugin work now too?

No. It not work.

Ok, can you please upload the log again, now that we know that Fuse is in path?

Did you solve this? I posted here in another thread with the same problem:

Any help would be appreciated =)