Androidmanager crashes when running fuse install android

I am attempting to install android to test on a device, but almost as soon as run the command I get an error notifying me that “AndroidManager has stopped working”. Any assistance resolving this would be appreciated. I am running windows 10 with a fresh install of Fuse.

No one else getting this problem?

I’ve had it on 3 separate devices I’ve tried on now widows 10 desktop and laptop and a Mac Mini.

Any response from anyone would be appreciated.

(Fuse Version 0.36.0 (build 11838), Windows 10)
i’m getting this issue too,

Onverwerkte uitzondering: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden
   bij System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   bij System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.ProcessHelper.StartProcess(ProcessStartInfo processStart, CancellationToken ct, Action`1 usesProcess)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.ProcessHelper.StartProcessWithProgress(ProcessStartInfo processStart, CancellationToken ct, Action`1 usesProcess, IProgress`1 progress)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.AndroidSDKPackageInstaller.UpdateTools(CancellationToken ct, IProgress`1 progress, String package)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.AndroidSDKPackageInstaller.Install(CancellationToken ct, IDialog dialog, IProgress`1 installerProgress)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.InstallCommand.<>c__DisplayClass10.<Install>b__b(AbsoluteDirectoryPath androidRoot)
   bij Outracks.Optional`1.Do(Action`1 some)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.InstallCommand.Install(OptionalSdkConfigOptions config, InstallOptions opts)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.InstallCommand.Install(InstallOptions opts)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.Program.<>c__DisplayClass8.<Main>b__1(InstallOptions opts)
   bij Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.Program.Main(String[] args)
fuse: Failed to install android

I also get a windows popup that says “AndroidManager has stopped working”.