Problem with "fuse install android"

Hi, trying to install android preview using; “fuse install android”. Seems like everything is working smooth in the installation until the process suddenly shuts down and sends me this error message. Any tips?

Ant was succesfully installed to C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\Fusetools\Fuse\Android\Ant

Unhandled Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Systemet finner ikke angitt fil
ved System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
ved System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.ProcessHelper.StartProcess(ProcessStartInfo processStart, CancellationToken ct, Action1 usesProcess) ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.ProcessHelper.StartProcessWithProgress(ProcessStartInfo processStart, CancellationToken ct, Action1 usesProcess, IProgress1 progress) ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.AndroidSDKPackageInstaller.UpdateTools(CancellationToken ct, IProgress1 progress, String package)
ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.AndroidSDKPackageInstaller.Install(CancellationToken ct, IDialog dialog, IProgress1 installerProgress) ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.InstallCommand.<>c__DisplayClass10.<Install>b__b(AbsoluteDirectoryPath androidRoot) ved Outracks.Optional1.Do(Action`1 some)
ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.InstallCommand.Install(OptionalSdkConfigOptions config, InstallOptions opts)
ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.InstallCommand.Install(InstallOptions opts)
ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.Program.<>c__DisplayClass8.b__1(InstallOptions opts)
ved Outracks.Fuse.AndroidManager.Program.Main(String[] args)

Running windowss 10, Fuse version 36.1.
**går fint å svare på norsk om det er enklere for dere.

Fixed it!

No need for help.

Hi Chris,

the problem seems to be related to AndroidManager, which for some reason can not install the necessary packages.

Could you happen to have previous installations of Android SDK and/or NDK lingering around? You could also try restarting the computer and running fuse install android again.

Also, please take a look at all of these threads, maybe one of them solves it for you:

If these tips don’t help, I will have to ask you to wait until Monday when we can get more eyes on your issue.