Android.StatusBarConfig Rebuild Error

<Android.StatusBarConfig ux: Global="statusBar" Color="# ff7f50" IsVisible="true" />

If you declare Android.StatusBarConfig ux: Global, it will be error when rebuilding.

OS: Mac Sierra 10.12.6
FuseVersion: 1.2.1

I wanted to change the color on any page after declaring Android.StatusBarConfig as Global.

I did not do anything else, and I just declared ux: Global in Android.StatusBarConfig.

But if you rebuild

/Users/animir/Fuse/FuseWeatherApp/MainView.ux(49.32):E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'StatusBarConfig'. Could you get a package reference?
/Users/animir/Fuse/FuseWeatherApp/MainView.ux(49,33): Error E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'StatusBarConfig'. Could you get a package reference?

Build completed in 1.59 seconds
    1 error

This is an error.

On the link, GlobalKey is

How do I change the properties of Android.StatusBarConfig on multiple pages?

Adding ux:Global allows you to create a resource that you can use elsewhere in the app. See the docs.

You can not refer to a node by ux:Global as if it was an instance. It’s just a static resource.

To do what you’re after, you need to add a ux:Name to the node and then you can refer to the node by that name.