Font Color of the Android.Statusbar

Hey guys,

in my app, I set the Statusbar for Android to
<Android.StatusBarConfig Color="#e0e0e0" IsVisible="True" />

But no matter which Color I define, the Color of the Icons and of the Font is always remaining white.
On a bright BackgroundColor, it is very hard to read.
But I haven’t found a way to change the “Font-Color” to a dark one.

How can I do this?

Fuse apps run on Android 4.1 and upwards, so most APIs we have tend to cover what both the older and newer versions provide. Changing the color of the text in the status bar is not one of such APIs - only starting with Android 6, there appeared a limited way to change the status bar style (dark/light).

So then, there is no easy Fuse-only way to achieve what you want. However, you could always edit your AndroidManifest.xml file after you build a release APK, and add the necessary setting there. Make sure you understand that this puts limits on what devices (and Android versions) your app will run.

So, without editing the AndroidMainifest.xml, it is basically not possible to use a bright Statusbar Color and be able to see the Icons?

Yeah, because Android. See Android docs and browse StackOverflow for details.

Also, don’t forget that you have StatusBarBackground which you can paint whatever (dark?) color you like, and dock it at the top of the screen behind the status bar.

Basically I was searching for something like android:windowLightStatusBar:true in Android.

When I use StatusBarBackground it is not behind my StatusBar but between the Bar and my App-Content.
But what exactly is the difference in the StatusBarBackground and the Color of the StatusBarConfig?

Jxns wrote:

Basically I was searching for something like android:windowLightStatusBar:true in Android.

Yes, that you have no easy access to. Proceed with the Manifest-suggestion above.

When I use StatusBarBackground it is not behind my StatusBar but between the Bar and my App-Content.

That’s perhaps because you’re using a ClientPanel which already includes a StatusBarBackground.

But what exactly is the difference in the StatusBarBackground and the Color of the StatusBarConfig?

There’s no better suggestion than… see the docs. StatusBarBackground is an empty placeholder that takes up as much space as the status bar would, on device. You can put things inside of it. StatusBarConfig is just a configuration node that allows you to set some properties.

Keep in mind that you’re developing for 2 platforms here, and the behaviour is slightly different between them.