The following codes work fine locally.
fuse preview -t=android
using Uno;
using Uno.Collections;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Android;
using Fuse.Triggers.Actions;
public class HomeScreen : TriggerAction
protected override void Perform(Node target)
if defined(Android)
using Uno;
using Uno.Collections;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Android;
using Fuse.Reactive;
using Fuse.Scripting;
using Fuse.Controls;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;
public class ModalJS : NativeModule
public ModalJS () {
AddMember(new NativeFunction("showModal", (NativeCallback)ShowModal));
Panel myPanel;
Panel parent;
Panel UXModal(string title, string text, Fuse.Scripting.Array buttons) {
var p = new Fuse.Controls.Panel();
var temp = new Fuse.Controls.DockPanel();
var temp1 = new Fuse.Controls.StackPanel();
var temp2 = new Fuse.Controls.Text();
var temp3 = new Fuse.Controls.Rectangle();
var temp4 = new Fuse.Drawing.Stroke();
var temp5 = new Fuse.Drawing.StaticSolidColor(float4(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 1f));
var temp6 = new Fuse.Controls.ScrollView();
var temp7 = new Fuse.Controls.Text();
var temp8 = new Fuse.Controls.Grid();
var temp11 = new Fuse.Drawing.StaticSolidColor(float4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
var temp12 = new Fuse.Controls.Rectangle();
var temp13 = new Fuse.Drawing.StaticSolidColor(float4(0.263f, 0.306f, 0.51f, 1.0f));
temp.Alignment = Fuse.Elements.Alignment.VerticalCenter;
temp.Margin = float4(15f, 0f, 15f, 0f);
temp.Padding = float4(10f, 10f, 10f, 10f);
temp.Background = temp11;
global::Fuse.Controls.DockPanel.SetDock(temp1, Fuse.Layouts.Dock.Top);
temp2.Font = global::MainView.AvenirHeavy;
temp2.TextColor = float4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
temp2.Value = title;
temp2.FontSize = 20f;
temp2.TextAlignment = Fuse.Controls.TextAlignment.Center;
temp3.Margin = float4(5f, 5f, 5f, 5f);
temp4.Width = 1f;
temp4.Brush = temp5;
temp6.Content = temp7;
temp7.Value = text;
temp7.TextWrapping = Fuse.Controls.TextWrapping.Wrap;
temp7.FontSize = 16f;
temp7.TextAlignment = Fuse.Controls.TextAlignment.Center;
temp7.Font = global::MainView.AvenirLight;
temp7.TextColor = float4(0.09019608f, 0.08627451f, 0.08627451f, 1f);
temp7.Margin = float4(20f, 20f, 20f, 20f);
temp8.ColumnCount = buttons.Length;
temp8.Margin = float4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
global::Fuse.Controls.DockPanel.SetDock(temp8, Fuse.Layouts.Dock.Bottom);
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) {
var tempButton = new Fuse.Controls.Button();
var tempButtonText = new Text();
tempButtonText.Font = global::MainView.AvenirHeavy;
tempButtonText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
tempButtonText.Value = buttons[i] as string;
tempButton.Name = buttons[i] as string;
Fuse.Gestures.Clicked.AddHandler(tempButton, ButtonClickHandler);
temp12.CornerRadius = float4(15f, 15f, 15f, 15f);
temp12.Layer = Fuse.Layer.Background;
temp12.Background = temp13;
p.HitTestMode = Fuse.Elements.HitTestMode.LocalBoundsAndChildren;
return p;
void ButtonClickHandler (object sender, Fuse.Gestures.ClickedArgs args) {
var button = args.Visual as Button;
running = false;
Context.Dispatcher.Invoke(new InvokeEnclosure(callback, button.Name).InvokeCallback);
class InvokeEnclosure {
public InvokeEnclosure (Fuse.Scripting.Function func, string cbtext) {
callback = func;
callback_text = cbtext;
Fuse.Scripting.Function callback;
string callback_text;
public void InvokeCallback () {
List<Node> ChildrenBackup;
void AddModalUX() {
var c = parent.Children;
ChildrenBackup = new List<Node>();
for (int i=0; i< parent.Children.Count; i++) {
void RemoveModalUX() {
for (int i=0; i< ChildrenBackup.Count; i++) {
void iOSClickHandler (int id) {
running = false;
var s = buttons[id] as string;
Context.Dispatcher.Invoke(new InvokeEnclosure(callback, s).InvokeCallback);
void AndroidClickHandler (string s) {
running = false;
Context.Dispatcher.Invoke(new InvokeEnclosure(callback, s).InvokeCallback);
Context Context;
Fuse.Scripting.Function callback;
bool running = false;
Fuse.Scripting.Array buttons;
string title;
string body;
public void ShowImpl(iOS.UIKit.UIViewController controller, ObjC.ID alert, string[] buttons);
public void ShowModaliOS() {
if (title == "HACKETIHACK") {
var alert = iOS.UIKit.UIAlertController._alertControllerWithTitleMessagePreferredStyle(
var s_buttons = new string[buttons.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) {
s_buttons[i] = buttons[i] as string;
var uivc = iOS.UIKit.UIApplication._sharedApplication().KeyWindow.RootViewController;
ShowImpl(uivc, alert, s_buttons);
public void ShowModalAndroid() {
// Might want to throw error if more than 3 buttons
var ctx = Android.android.app.Activity.GetAppActivity();
var alert = new AlertDialogDLRBuilder(ctx);
Android.java.lang.String a_title = title;
Android.java.lang.String a_body = body;
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) {
var s = buttons[i] as string;
Android.java.lang.String a_but = s;
var clickhandler = new AndroidListener(s, AndroidClickHandler);
if (i == 0) {
alert.setNegativeButton(a_but, clickhandler);
else if ((i == 1)&&(buttons.Length>2)) {
alert.setNeutralButton(a_but, clickhandler);
else {
alert.setPositiveButton(a_but, clickhandler);
object ShowModal (Context c, object[] args) {
if (running) return null;
running = true;
title = args[0] as string;
body = args[1] as string;
buttons = args[2] as Fuse.Scripting.Array;
callback = args[3] as Fuse.Scripting.Function;
Context = c;
if defined(iOS) {
return null;
else if defined(Android) {
return null;
else {
parent = FindPanel(AppBase.Current.RootViewport);
myPanel = UXModal(title, body, buttons);
return null;
Panel FindPanel (Node n) {
if defined(CIL) {
if (n is Fuse.Desktop.DesktopRootViewport) {
var a = n as Fuse.Desktop.DesktopRootViewport;
var c = a.Children[1];
debug_log a.Children.Count;
return FindPanel(c);
if (n is Fuse.Controls.Panel) {
var p = n as Fuse.Controls.Panel;
return p;
return null;
But I get an error when I want to run it on the android device.
uno build --target=Android --configuration=Release
Clean completed
Fuse 0.31.0 (build 8955)
Build started: FullCompile
Configuring (9.5 s)
Compiling syntax tree
HomeScreen.uno(13.4): E3102: There is no identifier named 'Activity' accessible in this scope. Did you mean 'Activity' (as in Fuse.Triggers.WhileBusy.Activity)?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/HomeScreen.uno(13,5,13,13): Error E3102: There is no identifier named 'Activity' accessible in this scope. Did you mean 'Activity' (as in Fuse.Triggers.WhileBusy.Activity)?
ModalJS.uno(175.27): E3105: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'android'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/ModalJS.uno(175,28,175,35): Error E3105: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'android'. Could you be missing a package reference?
ModalJS.uno(176.25): E3114: There is nothing named 'AlertDialogDLRBuilder' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/ModalJS.uno(176,26,176,47): Error E3114: There is nothing named 'AlertDialogDLRBuilder' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference?
ModalJS.uno(177.17): E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/ModalJS.uno(177,18,177,22): Error E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
ModalJS.uno(180.17): E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/ModalJS.uno(180,18,180,22): Error E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
ModalJS.uno(185.21): E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/ModalJS.uno(185,22,185,26): Error E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
ModalJS.uno(186.36): E3114: There is nothing named 'AndroidListener' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/ModalJS.uno(186,37,186,52): Error E3114: There is nothing named 'AndroidListener' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference?
(3.5 s)
Build completed in 13.07 seconds
7 errors
Build ended
fuse: Failed to compile project