After I upgraded 0.31 get errors with build android


The following codes work fine locally.

  • fuse preview -t=android

using Uno;
using Uno.Collections;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Android;
using Fuse.Triggers.Actions;

public class HomeScreen : TriggerAction
	protected override void Perform(Node target)
		if defined(Android)

using Uno;
using Uno.Collections;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Android;
using Fuse.Reactive;
using Fuse.Scripting;
using Fuse.Controls;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;

public class ModalJS : NativeModule
    public ModalJS () {
        AddMember(new NativeFunction("showModal", (NativeCallback)ShowModal));

    Panel myPanel;
    Panel parent;
    Panel UXModal(string title, string text, Fuse.Scripting.Array buttons) {
        var p = new Fuse.Controls.Panel();
        var temp = new Fuse.Controls.DockPanel();
        var temp1 = new Fuse.Controls.StackPanel();
        var temp2 = new Fuse.Controls.Text();
        var temp3 = new Fuse.Controls.Rectangle();
        var temp4 = new Fuse.Drawing.Stroke();
        var temp5 = new Fuse.Drawing.StaticSolidColor(float4(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 1f));
        var temp6 = new Fuse.Controls.ScrollView();
        var temp7 = new Fuse.Controls.Text();
        var temp8 = new Fuse.Controls.Grid();
        var temp11 = new Fuse.Drawing.StaticSolidColor(float4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
        var temp12 = new Fuse.Controls.Rectangle();
        var temp13 = new Fuse.Drawing.StaticSolidColor(float4(0.263f, 0.306f, 0.51f, 1.0f));

        temp.Alignment = Fuse.Elements.Alignment.VerticalCenter;
        temp.Margin = float4(15f, 0f, 15f, 0f);
        temp.Padding = float4(10f, 10f, 10f, 10f);
        temp.Background = temp11;
        global::Fuse.Controls.DockPanel.SetDock(temp1, Fuse.Layouts.Dock.Top);
        temp2.Font = global::MainView.AvenirHeavy;
        temp2.TextColor = float4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        temp2.Value = title;
        temp2.FontSize = 20f;
        temp2.TextAlignment = Fuse.Controls.TextAlignment.Center;
        temp3.Margin = float4(5f, 5f, 5f, 5f);
        temp4.Width = 1f;
        temp4.Brush = temp5;
        temp6.Content = temp7;
        temp7.Value = text;
        temp7.TextWrapping = Fuse.Controls.TextWrapping.Wrap;
        temp7.FontSize = 16f;
        temp7.TextAlignment = Fuse.Controls.TextAlignment.Center;
        temp7.Font = global::MainView.AvenirLight;
        temp7.TextColor = float4(0.09019608f, 0.08627451f, 0.08627451f, 1f);
        temp7.Margin = float4(20f, 20f, 20f, 20f);
        temp8.ColumnCount = buttons.Length;     
        temp8.Margin = float4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
        global::Fuse.Controls.DockPanel.SetDock(temp8, Fuse.Layouts.Dock.Bottom);

        for (var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) {
            var tempButton = new Fuse.Controls.Button();
            var tempButtonText = new Text();

            tempButtonText.Font = global::MainView.AvenirHeavy;
            tempButtonText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
            tempButtonText.Value = buttons[i] as string;
            tempButton.Name = buttons[i] as string;
            Fuse.Gestures.Clicked.AddHandler(tempButton, ButtonClickHandler);

        temp12.CornerRadius = float4(15f, 15f, 15f, 15f);
        temp12.Layer = Fuse.Layer.Background;
        temp12.Background = temp13;

        p.HitTestMode = Fuse.Elements.HitTestMode.LocalBoundsAndChildren;
        return p;

    void ButtonClickHandler (object sender, Fuse.Gestures.ClickedArgs args) {
        var button = args.Visual as Button;
        running = false;
        Context.Dispatcher.Invoke(new InvokeEnclosure(callback, button.Name).InvokeCallback);

    class InvokeEnclosure {
        public InvokeEnclosure (Fuse.Scripting.Function func, string cbtext) {
            callback = func;
            callback_text = cbtext;
        Fuse.Scripting.Function callback;
        string callback_text;
        public void InvokeCallback () {

    List<Node> ChildrenBackup;
    void AddModalUX() {
        var c = parent.Children;
        ChildrenBackup = new List<Node>();
        for (int i=0; i< parent.Children.Count; i++) {

    void RemoveModalUX() {
        for (int i=0; i< ChildrenBackup.Count; i++) {


    void iOSClickHandler (int id) {
        running = false;
        var s = buttons[id] as string;
        Context.Dispatcher.Invoke(new InvokeEnclosure(callback, s).InvokeCallback);

    void AndroidClickHandler (string s) {
        running = false;
        Context.Dispatcher.Invoke(new InvokeEnclosure(callback, s).InvokeCallback);

    Context Context;
    Fuse.Scripting.Function callback;
    bool running = false;
    Fuse.Scripting.Array buttons;
    string title;
    string body;

    public void ShowImpl(iOS.UIKit.UIViewController controller, ObjC.ID alert, string[] buttons);

    public void ShowModaliOS() {
        if (title == "HACKETIHACK") {
        var alert = iOS.UIKit.UIAlertController._alertControllerWithTitleMessagePreferredStyle(

        var s_buttons = new string[buttons.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) {
            s_buttons[i] = buttons[i] as string;

        var uivc = iOS.UIKit.UIApplication._sharedApplication().KeyWindow.RootViewController;
        ShowImpl(uivc, alert, s_buttons);

    public void ShowModalAndroid() {
        // Might want to throw error if more than 3 buttons
        var ctx =;
        var alert = new AlertDialogDLRBuilder(ctx); a_title = title;
        alert.setCancelable(false); a_body = body;

        for (var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) {
            var s = buttons[i] as string;
   a_but = s;
            var clickhandler = new AndroidListener(s, AndroidClickHandler);
            if (i == 0) {
                alert.setNegativeButton(a_but, clickhandler);
            else if ((i == 1)&&(buttons.Length>2)) {
                alert.setNeutralButton(a_but, clickhandler);
            else {
                alert.setPositiveButton(a_but, clickhandler);

    object ShowModal (Context c, object[] args) {
        if (running) return null;
        running = true;
        title = args[0] as string;
        body = args[1] as string;
        buttons = args[2] as Fuse.Scripting.Array;
        callback = args[3] as Fuse.Scripting.Function;
        Context = c;

        if defined(iOS) {
            return null;
        else if defined(Android) {
            return null;
        else {
            parent = FindPanel(AppBase.Current.RootViewport);
            myPanel = UXModal(title, body, buttons);
            return null;


    Panel FindPanel (Node n) {
        if defined(CIL) {
            if (n is Fuse.Desktop.DesktopRootViewport) {
                var a = n as Fuse.Desktop.DesktopRootViewport;
                var c = a.Children[1];
                debug_log a.Children.Count;
                return FindPanel(c);
        if (n is Fuse.Controls.Panel) {
            var p = n as Fuse.Controls.Panel;
            return p;

        return null;

But I get an error when I want to run it on the android device.

  • uno build --target=Android --configuration=Release
Clean completed

Fuse 0.31.0 (build 8955)
Build started: FullCompile
Configuring (9.5 s)
Compiling syntax tree E3102: There is no identifier named 'Activity' accessible in this scope. Did you mean 'Activity' (as in Fuse.Triggers.WhileBusy.Activity)? 
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/,5,13,13): Error E3102: There is no identifier named 'Activity' accessible in this scope. Did you mean 'Activity' (as in Fuse.Triggers.WhileBusy.Activity)? E3105: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'android'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/,28,175,35): Error E3105: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'android'. Could you be missing a package reference? E3114: There is nothing named 'AlertDialogDLRBuilder' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/,26,176,47): Error E3114: There is nothing named 'AlertDialogDLRBuilder' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference? E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/,18,177,22): Error E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference? E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/,18,180,22): Error E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference? E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/,22,185,26): Error E3111: 'Android' does not contain type or namespace 'java'. Could you be missing a package reference? E3114: There is nothing named 'AndroidListener' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference?
/Users/macmini/workspace/fuse/myProject/,37,186,52): Error E3114: There is nothing named 'AndroidListener' accessible in this scope. Are you missing a package reference?
(3.5 s)

Build completed in 13.07 seconds
    7 errors
Build ended
fuse: Failed to compile project

It looks like this project is using the old java bindings rather that Foreign Code. Those bindings were deprecated a couple of releases ago and removed in the latest release.

Here’s the entry from the release notes:

Deprecation of Legacy Bindings

Before Foreign Code there was Bindings. The bindings were an attempt to bring Android and iOS functionality into Uno based on the best practices of the time. During the course of the implementation we found many shortcomings with those approaches and this eventually culminated in the creation of Foreign Code (see this medium article for the full story).

Foreign Code has since proved it’s worth, it handles all that our Legacy Bindings could and plenty more.

Since January we have put forward Foreign Code as the standard way of interacting with native APIs, and a couple of releases back we officially deprecated the legacy Bindings.

The next release of Fuse will not ship with the legacy Bindings.

While foreign code is the way to go these days we understand that there might still be codebases out there based on the Bindings. If this affects you then feel free to reach out to us, we are happy to offer advice on how you can refactor to foreign code.

I went through all the projects I could find on github using the legacy bindings and raised issues on them, sorry if I missed yours.