Foreign Code not working.

Fuse 0.29.0 (build 8396)
Build started: FullCompile
Configuring (0.7s)
Compiling syntax tree
C:\Users\jcbar\Desktop\affibox\Fuse\NativeTest\ E3102: There is nothing named 'mplayAndroidLog' accessible in this scope. Did you perhaps misspell 'playAndroidLog' (as in 'MyLogModule.playAndroidLog(Fuse.Scripting.Context,object[])')?  Could you be missing a package reference?
C:\Users\jcbar\Desktop\affibox\Fuse\NativeTest\,4,27,19): Error E3102: There is nothing named 'mplayAndroidLog' accessible in this scope. Did you perhaps misspell 'playAndroidLog' (as in 'MyLogModule.playAndroidLog(Fuse.Scripting.Context,object[])')?  Could you be missing a package reference?

Build completed in 1.84 seconds
    1 error
Build ended
fuse: Failed to compile project
Press any key to exit.

here is my UNO file:

using Uno;
using Uno.Collections;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Scripting;
using Fuse.Reactive;
using Uno.UX;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;

public class MyLogModule : NativeModule
    static readonly MyLogModule _instance;

    public MyLogModule()
        // Make sure we're only initializing the module once
        if(_instance != null) return;

        _instance = this;
        Resource.SetGlobalKey(_instance, "MyLogModule");
        AddMember(new NativeFunction("Log", (NativeCallback)Log));

    object playAndroidLog(Context c, object[] args)
		mplayAndroidLog(); //<---- If I call this I get the SCOPE error
		//playAndroidLog(); //<---- If I change the name here and on the foreign function I get another error saying that it has no valid parameters, which I think its trying to call itself 

		return null;

	static extern(Android) void mplayAndroidLog()
        android.util.Log.d("ForeignCodeExample", "MANDINGO");

    static object Log(Context c, object[] args)
        foreach (var arg in args){

            debug_log arg;

        return null;




I know foreign code only works on the device, but when I try to build on preview (local) I get an error which is the one I already posted.

If I try to run preview on android I get another error which is:

Failed to connect to proxy:
11-13 09:00:10.440 22291 22291 I NativeTest: Connection refused
11-13 09:00:10.440 22291 22291 I NativeTest: Reached end of stream
11-13 09:00:10.440 22291 22291 I NativeTest:

But if I remove the foreign code completely from the uno file:
The local preview builds fine and the android preview also builds fine.

If I keep the foreign code I have to make the APK to be able to test it and run it


In order to build locally, you have to shield all calls to Android/iOS-only methods with if defined(Android) { ... } or if defined(iOS) { ... }