Android Build Failing

Can’t build Android version. New to Fuse ane using default example project. Desktop Preview and iOS works fine.

Build started: FullCompile
Configuring (5.92s)
Compiling syntax tree (9.13s)
Generating code and data (23.22s)
Building Android app
2/2: Testing.apk
    [javac] warning: [options] source value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
    [javac] warning: [options] target value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
    [javac] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
    [javac] /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Preview/Testing/app/src/main/java/com/Testing/ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Preview/Testing/app/src/main/java/com/Testing/ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

Hi Tim,

Are you on the latest version of Fuse? At the time of writing, that’s 0.12.2. If not, please download the latest from

Also, can you please run fuse install android and paste the full output here?

Finally, which version of OS X are you on?

Yes I installed Fuse for 1st time yesterday. It is 0.12.2.

OS X is El Capitan 10.11.4

Just ran fuse install android again wit output:

use install android
# Starting JDK installer
Verifies that Java Development Kit is installed and valid.
Java Development Kit was found here '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home'
# Done installing JDK
# Starting AndroidSDK installer
Verifies that Android SDK is installed and valid.
Checking if /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk exists.
/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk was found.
Checking if /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk/tools exists.
/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk/tools was found.
Checking if Android SDK is corrupt.
Android SDK was found here '/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk'
Checking if all required Android components are installed.
# Done installing AndroidSDK
# Starting AndroidNDK installer
Verifies that Android NDK is installed and valid.
Checking if /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/AndroidNDK/ndk-build exists.
/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/AndroidNDK/ndk-build was found.
Checking if /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/AndroidNDK/toolchains exists.
/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/AndroidNDK/toolchains was found.
Checking if /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/AndroidNDK/prebuilt exists.
/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/AndroidNDK/prebuilt was found.
Android NDK was found here '/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/AndroidNDK'
# Done installing AndroidNDK
# Starting Ant installer
Verifies that Ant is installed and valid.
Checking if /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/Ant exists.
/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/Ant was found.
Checking if Ant is corrupt
Ant was found here '/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Fuse/Android/Ant'
# Done installing Ant

I can’t see anything wrong in that output either, I’ll have to get someone with more detailed knowledge about our Android support to look at it. In the mean time, could you please zip and upload the /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Preview folder to

That might help us diagnose the proble.

I have uploaded folder as requested.


Hi Tim I’m sorry for the mixup but I’m actually going to need to whole project (all of /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing). Would you mind sending it in the same fashion as before, you can exclude the build folder in this case as I’m going to build it on our machines here.

Sorry for the mixup, poor communication on my part.


Just resent it. Though it may have changed a little since I have been continuing to evaluate Fuse with preview and iOS. But still get same error on Android.


I have ruled out a couple of differences between our setups. I was wondering if you would be able to try the following.

In the terminal browse to: /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing and run the following: fuse build -t=android -vv -r

This will let us see if the issue is just in preview or also in release builds.

If the issue still exists please paste the entire build log here (it’ll be long but I like checking the whole process)

Thanks again

Uno 0.27.19 (build 2295) OS X 10.11 i386 b6a53ec

Project file: Testing.unoproj
Search paths: /Applications/, /usr/local/share/uno/Packages
add MainView.ux (UX)
add Assets/FuseLogo.png (File)
Packages: UnoCore (0.27.19), Uno.Collections (0.27.3), ObjC (0.27.2), Experimental.iOS (0.27.2), Uno.Geometry (0.27.3), Uno.Threading (0.27.19), Uno.Net.Sockets (0.27.3), Fuse.Designer (0.27.13), FuseCore (0.27.13), Experimental.Physics (0.27.13), Fuse.Animations (0.27.13), Fuse.Drawing (0.27.13), Fuse.Drawing.Batching (0.27.13), Fuse.Drawing.Meshes (0.27.13), Fuse.Drawing.Planar (0.27.13), Android (0.27.4), Experimental.TextureLoader (0.27.3), Uno.Net.Http (0.27.19), Experimental.Http (0.27.13), Fuse.Scripting (0.27.13), Fuse.Triggers (0.27.13), Fuse.Elements (0.27.13), Fuse.Drawing.Primitives (0.27.13), Fuse.Drawing.Polygons (0.27.13), Fuse.Drawing.Paths (0.27.13), Fuse.Entities (0.27.13), Fuse.Gestures (0.27.13), Fuse.Navigation (0.27.13), Uno.Data.Json (0.27.3), Uno.Testing (0.27.19), Fuse.Camera (0.27.13), Fuse.GeoLocation (0.27.13), Fuse.Launcher (0.27.13), Fuse.Scripting.Duktape (0.27.13), Fuse.Scripting.JavaScriptCore (0.27.13), Fuse.Scripting.Jurassic (0.27.13), Fuse.Scripting.V8 (0.27.13), Fuse.Storage (0.27.13), Fuse.UserEvents (0.27.13), Fuse.Vibration (0.27.13), Fuse.Reactive (0.27.13), Fuse.Shapes (0.27.13), Fuse.Controls (0.27.13), Fuse.Effects (0.27.13), Fuse.Physics (0.27.13), Fuse.BasicTheme (0.27.13), Fuse.Video (0.27.13), Fuse.Themes (0.27.13), Fuse.Android (0.27.13), Fuse.Desktop (0.27.13), Fuse.iOS (0.27.13), Testing (0.0.0)
Output dir: build/Android/Debug
Using AST from memory cache in 'UnoCore (0.27.19)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Uno.Collections (0.27.3)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'ObjC (0.27.2)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Experimental.iOS (0.27.2)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Uno.Geometry (0.27.3)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Uno.Threading (0.27.19)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Uno.Net.Sockets (0.27.3)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Designer (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'FuseCore (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Experimental.Physics (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Animations (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Drawing (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Drawing.Batching (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Drawing.Meshes (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Drawing.Planar (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Experimental.TextureLoader (0.27.3)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Uno.Net.Http (0.27.19)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Experimental.Http (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Scripting (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Triggers (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Elements (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Drawing.Primitives (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Drawing.Polygons (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Drawing.Paths (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Entities (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Gestures (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Navigation (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Uno.Data.Json (0.27.3)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Uno.Testing (0.27.19)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Camera (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.GeoLocation (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Launcher (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Scripting.Duktape (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Scripting.JavaScriptCore (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Scripting.Jurassic (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Scripting.V8 (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Storage (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.UserEvents (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Vibration (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Reactive (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Shapes (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Controls (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Effects (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Physics (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.BasicTheme (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Video (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Themes (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Android (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.Desktop (0.27.13)'
Using AST from memory cache in 'Fuse.iOS (0.27.13)'
(5,818.75 ms)

Compiling syntax tree (8,039.30 ms)
Generating code and data
308 namespaces stripped.
5047 types stripped.
47271 fields stripped.
101869 functions stripped.
603 classes sealed.
1165 functions sealed.

  • 193 functions stripped from vtable.
    out build/Android/Debug/Testing/app/src/main/assets/bundle
    (21,053.99 ms)

Building Android app

2/2: Testing.apk
Buildfile: /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Debug/Testing/app/src/main/build.xml



[checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 25.1.3
[checkenv] Installed at /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk

[echo] Project Name: Testing
[gettype] Project Type: Application




[getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 23.0.3
[echo] Resolving Build Target for Testing…
[gettarget] Project Target: Android 5.0.1
[gettarget] API level: 21
[echo] ----------
[echo] Creating output directories if needed…
[mkdir] Created dir: /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Debug/Testing/app/src/main/bin/rsObj
[mkdir] Created dir: /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Debug/Testing/app/src/main/bin/rsLibs
[echo] ----------
[echo] Resolving Dependencies for Testing…
[dependency] Library dependencies:
[dependency] No Libraries
[dependency] ------------------
[echo] ----------
[echo] Building Libraries with 'debug'…
[subant] No sub-builds to iterate on

[mergemanifest] No changes in the AndroidManifest files.
[echo] Handling aidl files…
[aidl] No AIDL files to compile.
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling RenderScript files…
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling Resources…
[aapt] No changed resources. and untouched.
[echo] ----------
[echo] Handling BuildConfig class…
[buildconfig] Generating BuildConfig class.


[javac] Compiling 75 source files to /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Debug/Testing/app/src/main/bin/classes
[javac] warning: [options] source value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
[javac] warning: [options] target value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
[javac] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
[javac] /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Debug/Testing/app/src/main/java/com/Testing/ error: cannot find symbol
[javac] public class Testing extends implements ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: class OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback
[javac] location: class ActivityCompat
[javac] /Users/timothyhyde/Code/fuse/Testing/build/Android/Debug/Testing/app/src/main/java/com/Testing/ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
[javac] @Override
[javac] ^
[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[javac] 2 errors
[javac] 3 warnings

/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:716: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:730: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 1 second

(exit code: 1)
(unknown): E0200: Android build failed
(1,430.51 ms)

Build completed in 36.35 seconds.
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
fuse: Errors were encountered while building the project

Bah, I have seen this before but it is a rather random android bug.

  • Run this /Users/timothyhyde/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android in your terminal. The android sdk manager will open,
  • The Android Support Library should already be installed but we are going to update it. Click the Deselect All option in the bottom bar of the SDK Manager
  • Click the Updates option in Select New or Updates
  • Click the Install * packages.. button on the right
  • Accept the licenses and let it install.
  • run uno clean in your project directory
  • Rebuild your project

This should cover it, though of course we are here to continue digging if it does not

That did it. All working now.

Have app preview working on Android.

Thanks for your help. Lookign forward to digging into what Fuse can do.

Great to hear, looking forward to seeing what you make, have fun!