Video Error - updateTexImage on Android Preview

Hi there,

I’m getting an error about updateTexImage when I preview the project on my Android test Device (Android 4.4.2 core 3.4.67)
I use a video as background and another for a normal preview in layout.

Fuse version 0.31.0 (build 8955)

Operating System: OS-X 10.11.6


Test App:

Is there any feedback about this?

What device is this crashing on? And is it crashing immediately?

Actually it’s rendering for a while, sometimes it crash in 1 second, sometimes it took 4 5 seconds.
I tested it with a Samsung s4 which is in our target audience and a lenovo device that was about to die for In the name of being able to see what will be happen on the cheap devices.

@cosku, Is there a workaround for this problem?

Nope, we had to make structural changes.