Cannot load video background on Android Preview


Just create a page with video background (actually, I’m just modify hikr tutorial and put my own video file), but it’s not shown in Android view, while the iOS preview and Local preview is working fine.

Got this error message in fuse monitor

LOG: InternalError: Video error: java.lang.IllegalStateException in Fuse.Controls.VideoImpl.VideoVisual</usr/local/share/uno/Packages/Fuse.Controls.Video/0.38.5/$.uno:1067>

Is it hardware related or video compatibility issue? I’m using fuse 0.27 btw

My guess is that the video uses a codec that isn’t supported on your Android device.


You are correct. It’s strange though, from both file information, it tells that it has same video and audio codec. But after re-encode, the video now works fine on both android and iOS. Thanks