Trying to make video as the background in the login screen

Hi! I’m trying to make a video as a background layer in my login screen as seen on Youtube by Fuse’s Channel. But, what happened was the simulator shows an error which is “Oops! Something went wrong here. Only a single subscriber is supported for Layout. Please see the Fuse Monitor for details.”. I opened up the Monitor and the Log kept on displaying: “Draw called on a non-rooted node…”. The source code for my app is as follows:


        <Text TextColor="#ffffff" />
        <TextInput PlaceholderColor="#ffffff80" TextColor="#ffffff" CaretColor="#ffffff" />

    <!-- Button colors -->
    <float4 ux:Key="C600" ux:Value="#8869e5" />
    <float4 ux:Key="C700" ux:Value="#6447b3" />
    <float4 ux:Key="CFillFore" ux:Value="#644793" />

    <StatusBarBackground Dock="Top" />
    <BottomBarBackground Dock="Bottom" />

        var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");

        var username = Observable("");
        var password = Observable("");

        var areCredentialIsValid = Observable(function() {
            return username.value != "" && password.value != "";

        module.exports = {
            username: username,
            password: password,

            areCredentialIsValid: areCredentialIsValid 


    <Video File="assets/concertlightsbackground.mp4" />

    <Grid Rows="1, 1">
        <StackPanel Alignment="VerticalCenter">
            <Text Alignment="HorizontalCenter" FontSize="50">thrytbox</Text>
            <Text Alignment="HorizontalCenter" Opacity=".5">connect with your friends and families</Text>
        <StackPanel Alignment="VerticalCenter" Margin="50,0,50,0">
            <TextInput PlaceholderText="username/e-mail" Value="{username}" />
            <TextInput PlaceholderText="password" Value="{password}" />
            <Button Text="Log In" IsEnabled="{areCredentialIsValid}" />

–thrytbox-loginScreen.unoproj-- { “RootNamespace”: “”, “Packages”: [ “Fuse.Animations”, “Fuse.BasicTheme”, “Fuse.Themes”, “Fuse.Controls”, “Fuse.Designer”, “Fuse.Drawing”, “Fuse.Drawing.Primitives”, “Fuse.Effects”, “Fuse.Elements”, “Fuse.Entities”, “Fuse.Gestures”, “Fuse.Navigation”, “Fuse.Shapes”, “Fuse.Triggers”, “Fuse.Reactive”, “Fuse.Android”, “Fuse.Desktop”, “Fuse.iOS”, “FuseCore”, “Uno.Collections”, “Uno.Geometry” ], “Includes”: [ “*” ] } --devices.json-- [ { “Name” : “iPhone 6”, “Width” : 750, “Height” : 1334, “PixelsPerPoint”: 2, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch” : 326, “IsDefault” : true }, { “Name” : “iPhone 6 Plus”, “Width” : 1080, “Height” : 1920, “PixelsPerPoint” : 3, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch” : 401, “PhysicalPixelsPerPixel” : 0.8695652173913 }, { “Name” : “iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS”, “Width” : 320, “Height” : 480, “PixelsPerPoint”: 1, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch”: 163 }, { “Name” : “iPhone 4, 4s”, “Width” : 640, “Height” : 960, “PixelsPerPoint” : 2, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch”: 326
}, { “Name” : “iPhone 5, 5s”, “Width” : 640, “Height” : 1136, “PixelsPerPoint” : 2, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch” : 326 }, { “Name” : “Nexus 10”, “Width” : 1600, “Height” : 2560, “PixelsPerPoint”: 2, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch”: 300 }, { “Name” : “Low PPI 1920 x 1080”, “Width” : 1920, “Height” : 1080, “PixelsPerPoint”: 1, “PhysicalPixelsPerPixel”: 1, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch”: 72, “DefaultOrientation” : “Landscape” }, { “Name” : “Low PPI 1440 x 900”, “Width” : 1440, “Height” : 900, “PixelsPerPoint”: 1, “PhysicalPixelsPerPixel”: 1, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch”: 72, “DefaultOrientation” : “Landscape” }, { “Name” : “Low PPI 1280 x 720”, “Width” : 1280, “Height” : 720, “PixelsPerPoint”: 1, “PhysicalPixelsPerPixel”: 1, “PhysicalPixelsPerInch”: 72, “DefaultOrientation”: “Landscape” }

Hi! This error triggers because you try to use an .mp4 in local preview on Windows, which unfortunately isn’t supported (it’s a limitation of DirectShow). We’re working on giving a proper error message for this, rather than the not-so-nice crash you’re experiencing.

The mp4 playback should work just fine on iOS and most Android devices though (as well as preview under OS X).

You can find lists of the formats that are supported on different platforms here: