TextInput problem!

I have a TextInput that work perfect in my Local Preview:

<TextView Font="Poppins_Light" TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="100%" Padding="4" FontSize="14" TextColor="#A1A1A1" CaretColor="#000" Margin="0,5,0,0">
				<Change PlaceHolderTextViewer.Opacity="0" />

			<DockPanel ux:Name="PlaceHolderTextViewer">
				<Text Dock="Left" Font="Ionicons" FontSize="14" TextColor="#68A038" Margin="0,2,8,0" Value="" />
				<Text Font="Poppins_Light" FontSize="14" TextColor="#A0A0A0" Value="Mensaje" />
			<Rectangle Height="2." Width="100%" Color="#ddd" X="0%" Y="100%" />
Here is what I get in the Local Preview:

 * [Attached MOV file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/PrFIRtKEXpEI-image-1489500979601.mov)

But when I test it on my Android device I get a different behavior...
Here is what I get:

 * [Attached MP4 file](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fuse-legacy-forum-assets/mDLN7aKUoKA4-image-1489501064642.15.48.mp4)

How can I fix this on my devices? 

Thanks!! (In ios i have not tried yet)