Hi Everybody, i am a newbie in Fuse…can somebody tell step by step to install fuse and another requirement until ready to start code…thanks before…your help so meaningful…i really really want to learn code with fuse
Hi Adit,
So here’s my brief overview…
The status of fuses components:
- Uno (latest via npm or source - https://github.com/fuse-open/uno)
- Fuselibs (latest either via npm or source - https://github.com/fuse-open/fuselibs)
- Fuse Studio/Preview (1.10.0-rc1 - https://github.com/fuse-open/fuse-studio/releases)
Fuse Studio & Design
The old Fuse Studio(FS) was previously built and maintained by Fusetools, and is currently not maintained but we, the community, want to create a new Fuse Open Preview which you can contribute to here: https://opencollective.com/fuse-open
The FS installs the older fuselibs and Uno globally. The main things that you may want to use from FS are the desktop preview and mobile previews for quick User Interface design and development. The desktop preview is super fast to open and develop interfaces with. Anytime you work with a native component though, you would still need to preview on an actual device (e.g. Mapview module uses Google maps on Android and Apple maps on iOS), that’s where the device previews came in handy because you could make a change in code, and it would refresh the device preview even with native components. The main problem with FS is that the accompanying fuselibs and Uno only support older versions of the Android SDK/Build tools/Gradle/Play Services APIs/etc.
Fuselibs & Uno
The bad news first; without these two, you cannot build an app… the good news is that they are maintained, so you can!
So here’s the latest workflows: https://medium.com/@mortendanielfornes/introducing-fuse-sdk-890180044c13
Essentially you can install it globally in your OS (assuming you haven’t installed the older FS) or locally to your project folder and even set it up for continous integration.
Hybrid Workflow
So say you want to use the desktop preview of old to prototype and interate user interfaces quickly yet you want to assemble, test and release an app for the latest OSes, what to do until new Fuse Open Preview is released?
- Install FS : 1.10.0-rc1 - https://github.com/fuse-open/fuse-studio/releases (the android sdk/build tools install may fail)
- Create your project
- NPM install latest Uno & Fuselibs locally just outside your project - https://medium.com/@mortendanielfornes/introducing-fuse-sdk-890180044c13
- Preview on desktop with CLI:
fuse preview
(runs old Fuse globally, remember old Uno is also installed globally) - Locally build and run for iOS device:
node_modules/.bin/uno build -t=iOS --run
- Locally build and XCode for iOS device:
node_modules/.bin/uno build -t=iOS -adebug
- Locally build and run for Android device:
node_modules/.bin/uno build -t=android --run
- Note: I almost forgot, you would probably need an older version of fuselibs to work with Fuse Studio, so you may have to go back a few commits, I think around Feb/Mar 2019 should work. See point 3 below.
- Note2: you could adjust your scripts in the package.json to point to latest uno outside of project folder
- Example project: https://github.com/rbtech/fusestudioapp
Hacking Fuselibs & Uno Workflow
You should just visit the repos and follow instructions there:
- Uno : https://github.com/fuse-open/uno
- Fuselibs : https://github.com/fuse-open/fuselibs
…but say you want to play around with some of the fuselibs or uno code without building the majority of it from scratch.
- NPM install and use Uno locally in your project folder
- Clone fuselibs & create a .unoconfig file in your project folder
- Add this line to .unoconfig to point to the fuselibs you want to use:
Packages.SourcePaths : [path to clone]/fuselibs/Source
- Make changes to code in fuselibs/Source or in locally installed Uno
- After any change you make to fuselibs or the currently installed Uno, run the command
uno doctor
(make sure you’re running the latest or relevant uno -node_modules/.bin/uno --version
). - Build and run as usual.
All the best and happy fusing!
Thanks bro… really really thanks… i’ll try as soon as possible… God bless you
The latest version of Fuse can always be downloaded from the downloads page. Download the installer for your operating system and open it to start the installation procedure.
macOS Requirements: A modern Mac running macOS Yosemite or later
Windows Requirements:
- Window 7 or newer
- OpenGL 2.1-capable GPU (Very basic on-board/shared resource GPUs such as the Intel GMA-series are not sufficient!!).
Finding a text editor:
Fuse requires an external text editor in order to make changes to the UX markup in our app. To streamline your experience with Fuse, we provide plugins for some of the more popular text editors which provide code completion, error lists, output logs and the ability to launch Fuse apps from within the text editor.
Starting a new project:
To open Fuse, double click the the Fuse icon. On macOS it is located in the “Applications” folder. If you are on Windows, it can be located in the start menu.