I’m just playing a bit to try to get and Splash Screen working on Android. This is my approach (Based on a similar splash screen that works on NativeScript):
Modify the styles.xml on the build/Android/Debug//app/src/main/res/styles.xml
Thanks! I read the tutorial, and yes, it works, and tried it, but it;s intended to show a splash for x secconds, no matter how long takes to load the app, and it shows only when the app is loaded. It’s only a delay.
My approach is different and exclusive of Android. On iOS the Splash Screen is easy to show a splash while the App is loading. I want to do something like this on Android.
I notice that when app loads on Android, the default theme shows an transparent screen:
My idea is to default set the theme to a splash theme, and when the Activity loads, change the theme to the default. So, when the app loads it shows a logo or something.
Ah, then I get what you are asking for. It is indeed very simple on iOS (it’s called “Launch image” and you set it directly in Xcode). AFAIK, Android does not come with such an option (or at least it didn’t use to at least), and it doesn’t seem to be a part of the design guidelines either.
TL;DR: sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Your idea might indeed work, but yes, it looks like it’ll involve hacking on the files on each build.