If you have more Fuse projects you are working on I’m pretty sure you found boring launching uno clean for every folder every time a new Fuse version is published or you need a full clean rebuild. The following BAT file will recurse all folders inside your project folder (in this case C:\Fuse) and execute uno clean. The BAT file will recurse only the first level of the folders so it will not enter for example pages in c:\fuse\my_proj\pages but will launch uno clean only in c:\fuse\my_proj.
@echo off
pushd "c:\Fuse"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /ad /b ') do (
pushd "%%a"
uno clean
Could you PLEASE provide an example of what the command would look like to run uno clean? I’ve DL’ed 2 of the Fuse updates along with only installing one of them (the most recent I haven’t installed yet) and I’m trying to work on a Project, but am having some issues on getting the preview window to appear on my Phone without seeing some blank page on that or in Fuse. I see that I have to run a uno clean, but I have no idea how the command would look.
You have to run it in Terminal (MacOS) or CMD (Windows), in the project root folder. When in Fuse, you can select from the top menu: Project -> Open in Terminal. That will open up the Terminal/CMD window where you can execute uno clean.
Really? Because it wasn’t working for me in Terminal when I was trying it, so I opened Fuse and followed your Instructions…
niiiiice…I was able to run a uno clean command on a different file, but in regards to the one I’m trying to work on, I was unable to locate the file, and that’s when I realized my problem…
…it’s not saved as a unoproj file, only the mainux format, if I’m not mistaken. I’m about to save it as a unoproj and see if it’ll work, I’ll let you know what happens.