PushNotification Payload Data missing on Android

I have an exiting backend from where I can send pushnotifications via Azure. I have other applications that respond to these notifications and therefore I want to reuse the payload that I send.

The Fuse app I’m building can receive pushnotifications, but it seems that the payload received in the push.onReceiveMessage only gives me about half of the original message.

I have attached the messages in a zipfile because this web interface does not display the json very nicely.

I also double checked the size of the message : 977 B

In the zip file you wil find 3 files:

PostMsg.json - this is the message that I post to my back end.

BackendAjustmentsForFuse.cs - this is where I add the ‘aps{}’ part in my payload.

IncomingPayloadResponse.json - this is what I get from Push.onReceivedMessage in the fuse app.


Hi Pieter, thanks for posting, This is very odd. I’d love to have a look but our forums dont allow zips. Is there another place you could host the files? even a github gist would do just fine.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Chris

Here is a dropbox link where you can download:



If you’d like I can send you the my GCM app key and you can register to receive messages. And then once you give me the subcriber key I can register it on Azure and send notifications to you.