Preview not working in Preview - > Local

Hi, I am trying to preview exisitng stop watch example. while preview in local, builds gets completed but nothing happens after that. PFB screenshot.

Please help. Thanks

Hi, it looks like you need to install the drivers for your graphics card.

Thanks for reply. Grpahic card is already installed on my system. I am using Windows 10. I hope its compatile with Win10.

Fuse is compatible with Windows 10. However, your GL_VERSION is reported as 1.1.0. So either you have a graphics card from 1997, or something else is wrong. I suspect the latter is more likely! :slight_smile:

Could it be that you are running Fuse in a virtual machine? What type of graphics card to you have?

Hi, I have checked the display adapter driver version and its states its upto date version. I am not using virtual machine.

Its a inbuild card in motherboard.

Thanks for you support.

Could you check which specific graphics adapter it is? It should be under the “General” tab there.

Also; there’s a fair chance that the drivers for Direct3D are up-to-date whereas the ones for OpenGL might still not be. The easiest way to check that is by using a utility such as GLview which will show you a lot more info about your graphics adapter.


please see General tab screenshot file

Open GL details

here Driver verion date mentioned as 27May2015

Yes but as you can see the GL version is still 1.1 and the Renderer is listed as “GDI Generic”. This means that it is the default (Windows-provided) minimal OpenGL driver. If you instead upgrade to the latest drivers from Intel you should get support for GL version 3.1 (or thereabouts), which will allow you to run Fuse local previews.

Hi Thanks for your reply. i just realized in openGL extension viewer default was GDI generic but if change it to Intel HD graphics then Open GL version is 3.1. please see attached.

what needs to be done now ? it looks like Fuse is picking up GDI generic driver and not Intel HD Graphics drivers.

Hmm, that’s quite strange. It might be that the HD2000 doesn’t support enough features to get selected, it appears that it’s given weird behaviour in other applications such as this.

Anyway, could you try to start a preview and then afterwards send us the logs from %localappdata%\Fusetools\Fuse\logs ?

PFB log files as required.

  1. fuse.sublimeplugin.log
2016-01-04 21:45:31,232 [11660] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-04 21:45:31,232 [11660] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-04 21:45:31,232 [11660] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-04 21:45:31,232 [11660] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-04 21:45:31,248 [11660] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-04 21:51:32,484 [11660] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-04 21:51:32,484 [11660] ERROR Fuse not found: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 1112, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "fuse in C:\Users\Sachin\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Fuse.sublime-package", line 211, in tryConnectThread
  File "./", line 523, in call
  File "./", line 824, in init
  File "./", line 1118, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

2016-01-04 21:51:32,484 [11660] ERROR Fuse could not be found.\n\nAttempted to run from: 'fuse'\n\nPlease verify your Fuse installation. If this is the first time you are running Fuse, please try to restart your computer.
2016-01-04 21:51:43,380 [11660] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 21:51:43,385 [11660] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 21:51:43,385 [11660] ERROR Fuse could not be found.\n\nAttempted to run from: 'fuse'\n\nPlease verify your Fuse installation. If this is the first time you are running Fuse, please try to restart your computer.
2016-01-04 21:55:35,517 [6636] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-04 21:55:35,532 [6636] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-04 21:55:35,532 [6636] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-04 21:55:35,532 [6636] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-04 21:55:35,532 [6636] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-04 21:55:39,657 [6636] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-04 21:55:40,282 [6636] INFO Sending hello request
2016-01-04 21:55:40,298 [6636] INFO Got Hello response
2016-01-04 21:55:43,817 [6636] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 21:55:43,817 [6636] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 21:56:52,193 [6636] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 21:56:52,193 [6636] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 21:59:34,795 [6636] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 21:59:34,795 [6636] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Android', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 22:00:28,235 [6636] ERROR Unexpected fatal error! Please report this to us. \n Build started: FullCompile
 \n Configuring \n (1,973.99 ms) \n  \n Parsing source code \n (2,379.64 ms) \n  \n Compiling syntax tree \n (8,842.26 ms) \n  \n Installing dependencies \n download
 \n extract C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\UnoCore\0.19.6\Targets\CPlusPlus\Prebuilt\Android
 \n download
 \n extract C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Scripting.V8\0.18.8\lib\V8-Android
 \n (18,937.60 ms) \n  \n Generating code and data \n (18,472.21 ms) \n  \n Building native target \n (unknown): E0000: Native build failed \n ?: Error E0000: Native build failed
 \n (97.40 ms) \n  \n Build completed in 50.71 seconds. \n     0 Warning(s) \n     1 Error(s) \n  \n Error Summary \n ------------- \n  \n (unknown): E0000: Native build failed \n Build ended
 \n Android: ERROR: Looks like Android is not installed. Please run 'fuse install android' first. \n jdk was not found.
 \n androidndk was not found.
 \n ant was not found.
 \n fuse: Failed to compile project
2016-01-04 22:07:40,033 [6636] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 22:07:40,034 [6636] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 22:09:38,724 [4444] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-04 22:09:38,724 [4444] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-04 22:09:38,724 [4444] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-04 22:09:38,724 [4444] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-04 22:09:38,724 [4444] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-04 22:09:46,170 [6000] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-04 22:09:46,170 [6000] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-04 22:09:46,170 [6000] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-04 22:09:46,170 [6000] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-04 22:09:46,170 [6000] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-04 22:09:48,166 [6000] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-04 22:09:48,710 [6000] INFO Sending hello request
2016-01-04 22:09:49,775 [6000] INFO Got Hello response
2016-01-04 22:09:52,879 [6000] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 22:09:52,879 [6000] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 22:19:45,114 [6000] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 22:19:45,114 [6000] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Android', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 22:20:13,875 [6000] ERROR Unexpected fatal error! Please report this to us. \n Build started: FullCompile
 \n Configuring \n (1,955.92 ms) \n  \n Parsing source code \n (2,337.28 ms) \n  \n Compiling syntax tree \n (8,699.56 ms) \n  \n Generating code and data \n (13,662.05 ms) \n  \n Building native target \n (unknown): E0000: Native build failed \n ?: Error E0000: Native build failed
 \n (34.39 ms) \n  \n Build completed in 26.70 seconds. \n     0 Warning(s) \n     1 Error(s) \n  \n Error Summary \n ------------- \n  \n (unknown): E0000: Native build failed \n Build ended
 \n Android: ERROR: Looks like Android is not installed. Please run 'fuse install android' first. \n jdk was not found.
 \n androidndk was not found.
 \n ant was not found.
 \n fuse: Failed to compile project
2016-01-04 23:07:29,043 [6000] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:07:29,073 [6000] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Android', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:09:58,824 [6000] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:09:58,825 [6000] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:13:10,816 [6000] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:13:10,816 [6000] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:19:31,679 [7292] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-04 23:19:31,679 [7292] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-04 23:19:31,679 [7292] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-04 23:19:31,679 [7292] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-04 23:19:31,882 [7292] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-04 23:19:33,632 [7292] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-04 23:19:34,351 [7292] INFO Sending hello request
2016-01-04 23:19:35,398 [7292] INFO Got Hello response
2016-01-04 23:19:52,508 [7292] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:19:52,508 [7292] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:20:11,043 [7292] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-04 23:20:11,043 [7292] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Android', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:13:24,621 [1780] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-05 19:13:24,621 [1780] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-05 19:13:24,621 [1780] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-05 19:13:24,621 [1780] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-05 19:13:24,630 [1780] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-05 19:13:29,078 [1780] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-05 19:13:29,879 [1780] INFO Sending hello request
2016-01-05 19:13:29,902 [1780] INFO Got Hello response
2016-01-05 19:13:35,798 [1780] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:13:35,801 [1780] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:16:07,851 [1780] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:16:07,852 [1780] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Android', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:26:34,867 [7768] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-05 19:26:34,932 [7768] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-05 19:26:34,932 [7768] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-05 19:26:34,932 [7768] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-05 19:26:34,947 [7768] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-05 19:26:36,529 [7768] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-05 19:26:37,146 [7768] INFO Sending hello request
2016-01-05 19:26:37,162 [7768] INFO Got Hello response
2016-01-05 19:26:39,505 [7768] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:26:39,505 [7768] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:33:09,172 [7768] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:33:09,172 [7768] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:37:29,654 [7656] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-05 19:37:29,654 [7656] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-05 19:37:29,654 [7656] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-05 19:37:29,654 [7656] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-05 19:37:29,686 [7656] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-05 19:37:34,770 [7656] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-05 19:37:35,378 [7656] INFO Sending hello request
2016-01-05 19:37:35,394 [7656] INFO Got Hello response
2016-01-05 19:37:38,794 [7656] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 19:37:38,794 [7656] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 20:53:44,321 [7656] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 20:53:44,324 [7656] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 21:39:52,469 [7656] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\MainView.ux']
2016-01-05 21:39:52,484 [7656] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\MainView.ux']
2016-01-05 22:37:35,660 [9300] INFO Finished configuring logging for Fuse
2016-01-05 22:37:35,660 [9300] INFO Loading plugin
2016-01-05 22:37:35,660 [9300] INFO Sublime version '3083'
2016-01-05 22:37:35,660 [9300] INFO Fuse plugin version '1.4.11'
2016-01-05 22:37:35,660 [9300] INFO Plugin loaded successfully
2016-01-05 22:37:36,769 [9300] INFO Calling subprocess '['fuse', 'daemon', '-b']'
2016-01-05 22:37:38,826 [9300] INFO Sending hello request
2016-01-05 22:37:39,882 [9300] INFO Got Hello response
2016-01-05 22:37:39,967 [9300] INFO Starting preview for ['E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']
2016-01-05 22:37:39,967 [9300] INFO Opening subprocess ['fuse', 'preview', '--target=Local', '--name=Sublime_Text_3', 'E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\WatchFace.ux']

  1. fuse.log
2016-01-04 21:34:50,582 [2804:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments ''
2016-01-04 21:34:50,961 [2804:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-04 21:54:39,170 [3472:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments ''
2016-01-04 21:54:39,755 [3472:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-04 21:54:40,424 [3596:1] INFO  Daemon - Starting daemon with arguments ''
2016-01-04 21:54:41,043 [3596:1] INFO  Daemon - Running at port 12122
2016-01-04 21:54:43,150 [3596:15] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Code Assistance Service
2016-01-04 21:54:43,187 [3596:15] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Local Storage Service
2016-01-04 21:54:43,957 [3596:16] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Fuse Tray
2016-01-04 21:54:45,913 [3596:16] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Fuse Dashboard
2016-01-04 21:55:09,001 [3596:15] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 21:55:10,014 [3596:22] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Host preview
2016-01-04 21:55:25,815 [3596:25] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 21:55:40,298 [3596:25] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Sublime Text 3
2016-01-04 21:55:44,239 [3596:25] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 21:55:53,101 [3596:27] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 21:56:53,501 [3596:27] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 21:57:01,829 [3596:31] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 21:59:36,093 [3596:31] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:00:28,184 [3596:34] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:01:56,692 [3596:34] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:02:05,196 [3596:34] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:07:13,391 [3596:34] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:07:21,654 [3596:33] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:07:41,317 [3596:33] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:07:49,649 [3596:33] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:09:32,400 [3596:33] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Sublime Text 3
2016-01-04 22:09:49,775 [3596:33] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Sublime Text 3
2016-01-04 22:09:53,293 [3596:33] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:10:01,799 [3596:39] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:19:46,421 [3596:39] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 22:20:13,797 [3596:26] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:07:33,917 [3596:26] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:10:01,939 [3596:37] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:10:13,687 [3596:26] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:13:12,148 [3596:31] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:13:20,975 [3596:28] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:15:57,054 [3596:28] INFO  Daemon - Client connected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:16:05,440 [3596:28] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Preview E:\Sachin\Fuse Example\stopwatch\Stopwatch.unoproj
2016-01-04 23:16:14,996 [3596:28] INFO  Daemon - Client disconnected: Fuse Dashboard
2016-01-04 23:18:47,696 [5724:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments ''
2016-01-04 23:18:47,827 [5724:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-04 23:18:48,077 [6080:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments 'daemon -b'
2016-01-04 23:18:48,124 [6080:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-04 23:18:48,223 [6080:1] INFO  Daemon - Starting daemon with arguments '-b'
2016-01-04 23:18:48,223 [6080:1] INFO  Daemon - Trying to start the daemon as a background process.
2016-01-04 23:18:49,312 [6080:1] INFO  Daemon - A daemon background process was successfully started.
2016-01-05 19:13:08,493 [4424:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments ''
2016-01-05 19:13:08,584 [4424:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:13:08,890 [7984:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments 'daemon -b'
2016-01-05 19:13:08,937 [7984:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:13:09,064 [7984:1] INFO  Daemon - Starting daemon with arguments '-b'
2016-01-05 19:13:09,069 [7984:1] INFO  Daemon - Trying to start the daemon as a background process.
2016-01-05 19:13:09,596 [7984:1] INFO  Daemon - A daemon background process was successfully started.
2016-01-05 19:13:09,786 [6344:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments 'daemon -b'
2016-01-05 19:13:09,840 [6344:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:13:09,992 [6344:1] INFO  Daemon - Starting daemon with arguments '-b'
2016-01-05 19:13:09,997 [6344:1] INFO  Daemon - Trying to start the daemon as a background process.
2016-01-05 19:13:10,719 [6344:1] INFO  Daemon - A daemon is already running.
2016-01-05 19:26:26,234 [1260:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments ''
2016-01-05 19:26:26,353 [1260:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:26:26,606 [6860:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments 'daemon -b'
2016-01-05 19:26:26,637 [6860:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:26:26,743 [6860:1] INFO  Daemon - Starting daemon with arguments '-b'
2016-01-05 19:26:26,806 [6860:1] INFO  Daemon - Trying to start the daemon as a background process.
2016-01-05 19:26:27,750 [6860:1] INFO  Daemon - A daemon background process was successfully started.
2016-01-05 19:26:28,060 [5032:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments 'daemon -b'
2016-01-05 19:26:28,098 [5032:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:26:28,214 [5032:1] INFO  Daemon - Starting daemon with arguments '-b'
2016-01-05 19:26:28,214 [5032:1] INFO  Daemon - Trying to start the daemon as a background process.
2016-01-05 19:26:28,675 [5032:1] INFO  Daemon - A daemon is already running.
2016-01-05 19:36:41,179 [5184:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments ''
2016-01-05 19:36:41,413 [5184:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:36:41,945 [5508:1] INFO  Fuse - Starting Fuse with arguments 'daemon -b'
2016-01-05 19:36:41,991 [5508:1] INFO  Fuse - Version
2016-01-05 19:36:42,085 [5508:1] INFO  Daemon - Starting daemon with arguments '-b'
2016-01-05 19:36:42,085 [5508:1] INFO  Daemon - Trying to start the daemon as a background process.
2016-01-05 19:36:43,523 [5508:1] INFO  Daemon - A daemon background process was successfully started.

Thanks for the log!

Sadly there were no relevant info in it. Could you start preview in CMD with fuse preview and post your results?

PFA result. its same


I see, I don’t like the fact that you don’t get any errors, but only a crash.

However I made a simple test suite, which I would like you to run. There are two tests, one using native code and SDL, and one using .Net Framework and OpenTK (which we use in preview on Windows). Please try to run these two programs and see if the result is the same as in fuse preview case. Hopefully one of these tests would work and will help us diagnose the problem.

Fuse GL Tests

And thank you for your patience! :slight_smile:

Hi, Thanks for your reply. Both EXE (Fuse.JuliaSet.OpenTK and Fuse.JuliaSet.SDL) are working with output as same. PFB screenshot of one of a output exe.

hopefully this will be helpful for trace.

Thank you, this means we are doing something wrong when bootstrapping fuse preview :frowning:

Is it okey for you that we contact you on email later, when we may have a fix (we don’t have a computer to test this on unfortunately)?

You may also try to target MSVC if you have Visual Studio installed. It is done by running fuse preview -t=msvc. This target is bootstrapped in another way, which I acctually think works, but it requires Visual Studio.

Thanks for reply. currently Visual Studio is not installed on my computer. Please let me know which version I need to install for Visual Studio. will visual Studio community will work? Same Question is for MSVC as well. Please let me know which version to be installed.

Yes please you can always contact me on my email address.

Thanks for your support.

Good :slight_smile:

Oh, forgot to mention that MSVC target requires Visual Studio 2013. However all editions including express should work.

MSVC is just a short term for Microsoft Visual C++, and is included in Visual Studio. You can download express for free Visual Studio 2013 Express.

I had the same issue with Intel Graphics card and Windows 10. I tried everything,even a clean reinstall. Windows 10 does not support some of the intel graphics cards. I ended up buying a cheap Gefore 210 on Amazon for 35 Euro, now its works like a charm.

Hi, will Visual Studio 2015 community also work ?