I have a StackPanel layout with a loop of Card elements, and I’ve got a click event attached to them, how do I go around passing through a parameter to my JS click handler?
<Clicked Handler="{cardClicked}" />
function cardClicked(this) { debug_log(“test”); debug_log(this.data); }
It returns an object, but how do: onClick="cardClicked(i)";?
Another thing I was wondering is how to get the current position of the Each loop?
What would be in .data? And how could I access it?
<Image Url="{imageUrl}" Clicked="{pressItem}"/>
I have a List of NewsItem (same as in the SocialMediaMock Sample) - and I want to switch to a “Detail Page” of the clicked item… so I would need to get the Information of which Item got clicked, so that I could load a new page with the details of this item.