PageControl and NavigationMotion


How do you get the PageControl not to animate a “bounce” effect when you swipe fast?

This is not working.

<PageControl ux:Name="navigation">
    <NavigationMotion GotoDurationExp="0" /> 
    <Page Background="Red">
        <Text Value="Text" Alignment="Center" />
       <Page Background="Green" />
    <Page Background="Blue" />

I can only turn off the GotoDuration=“0” and there is no easing or every swipe you get a litle “bounce” when you swipe.

What do you mean by “little bounce”? Does it hit the side, bounce off and come back, or is this a jump in transition when you remove your finger?

There is a known situation where a slight bounce can occur if you swipe really fast and cover most of the screen distance, but this shouldn’t happen very often.

You can try changing the GotoEasing, it’s default is SinusoidalInOut.

It is if you swipe really fast and cover most of the screen distance! If you change the GotoDuration to GotoDuration=“5” you can se the effect really slow.

The GotoEasing did not have any effect. Thanks anyway!

I got help from Bart Kus.

<NavigationMotion  GotoType="SmoothSnap" />

did the trick