How do you get the PageControl not to animate a “bounce” effect when you swipe fast?
This is not working.
<PageControl ux:Name="navigation">
<NavigationMotion GotoDurationExp="0" />
<Page Background="Red">
<Text Value="Text" Alignment="Center" />
<Page Background="Green" />
<Page Background="Blue" />
I can only turn off the GotoDuration=“0” and there is no easing or every swipe you get a litle “bounce” when you swipe.
What do you mean by “little bounce”? Does it hit the side, bounce off and come back, or is this a jump in transition when you remove your finger?
There is a known situation where a slight bounce can occur if you swipe really fast and cover most of the screen distance, but this shouldn’t happen very often.
You can try changing the GotoEasing
, it’s default is SinusoidalInOut
It is if you swipe really fast and cover most of the screen distance! If you change the GotoDuration to GotoDuration=“5” you can se the effect really slow.
The GotoEasing did not have any effect. Thanks anyway!
I got help from Bart Kus.
<NavigationMotion GotoType="SmoothSnap" />
did the trick