Navigator. Back button won't go back on multipage app

I’m building a multipage app. Some pages have tabs that display different content. The problem is that I’m not able to make the back button (Android) work. I did look carefully at the Cattr app and at the Hikr app but I’m missing something or I did not understand the logic behind Navigator.

I made a stripped version of the app that can be downloaded as it is not practical to report the complete code inside a post or to copy/paste it for test purposes.

The APP has a Homepage, a Music and a Show page and a Detail page. The content of the Music and Shows pages is divided in tabs. The tabs and the content is fetch from a API (but in the downloadable version above it is included inside the files as json).

The problem is that despite Router I can’t make the back button (Android) work. I keep getting the error Cannot navigate to "", not found! and Unable to navigate to route: music/.

Every page or class has <Router ux:Dependency="router" /> and Mainview.ux has <Router ux:Name="router" />

The back button works only for the ‘first’ level when I jump from Homepage to a subpage and I press the back button. If, from this subpage I click a second subpage and then I press the back button, it does not work:

HomePage -> Music WORKS

HomePage -> Shows WORKS

HomePage -> Music -> Shows NOT WORKS

HomePage -> Shows -> Detail NOT WORKS

HomePage -> Music -> Shows -> Detail NOT WORKS

The back button should send the user to the previous page even if a tab has been clicked. Anyway here is part of the stripped version of pages I’m working on (but please try the downloadable version):


    function gotoShows() {

    function gotoMusic() {

    module.exports = {
        clickedShows: gotoShows,
        clickedMusic: gotoMusic


<Router ux:Name="router" />


    <DockPanel Dock="Top" Height="56">
        <Text ux:Name="pageName" Value="" FontSize="20" Alignment="Center" />

        <Navigator DefaultPath="home">
            <HomePage ux:Template="home" router="router"> 
                    <Set Target="pageName.Value" Value="HOME"/>
            <MusicPage ux:Template="music" router="router"> 
                    <Set Target="pageName.Value" Value="MUSIC"/>
            <ShowsPage ux:Template="shows" router="router">
                    <Set Target="pageName.Value" Value="SHOWS"/>
            <DetailPage ux:Template="detail" router="router" />


<Page ux:Class="MyPage">

    <Router ux:Dependency="router" />

    <ScrollView Margin="0,0,0,0">
        <StackPanel ItemSpacing="6" >
            <Each Items="{items}">
                            <Callback Handler="{gotoDetail}" />
                    <Text Value="{title}" />

<Rectangle ux:Class="Indicator" Alignment="Bottom" Height="6" Color="#950017" Margin="0,0,0,-8">
        <Move RelativeTo="WorldPositionChange" X="1" Duration="0.4" Easing="BackIn"/>



<Page ux:Class="HomePage">
    var Observable      = require("FuseJS/Observable");
    var data            = Observable();

    module.exports = {
        gotoMusic:  gotoMusic,
        gotoShows:  gotoShows,
    function gotoShows() {

    function gotoMusic() {

<Router ux:Dependency="router" />

<StackPanel Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="20" >
    <Text Value="Goto Music">
        <Clicked Handler="{gotoMusic}" />
    <Text Value="Goto Shows">
        <Clicked Handler="{gotoShows}" />



<Page ux:Class="MusicPage">
    var Observable      = require("FuseJS/Observable");
    var data            = Observable();

    var json = {
        "events": [
                category: "Live",
                items: [
                        "title": "Live. Faucibus dignissim parturient.",
                        "description": "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium."    
                        "title": "Live. Taciti ante scelerisque consequat.",
                        "description": "Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit."   
                category: "Dance",
                items: [
                        "title": "Dance. Condimentum adipiscing leo.",
                        "description": "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus."       
                category: "Party",
                items: [
                        "title": "Party. Ut vestibulum tincidunt consectetur.",
                        "description": "Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem."       
                        "title": "Party. Parturient mi urna commodo.",
                        "description": "Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea."   
                        "title": "Party. Pharetra pretium nisl felis.",
                        "description": "Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio."   


    module.exports = {
        data:           data,
        gotoHome:       gotoHome,
        gotoShows:      gotoShows,
        gotoDetail:     gotoDetail,
    function gotoShows() {

    function gotoHome() {

    function gotoDetail(sender) {
        router.push("detail", { details: sender });

    <Router ux:Dependency="router" />

    <StackPanel Alignment="Center" ItemSpacing="20" >
        <Text Value="Goto Home">
            <Clicked Handler="{gotoHome}" />
        <Text Value="Goto Shows">
            <Clicked Handler="{gotoShows}" />

        <Panel Dock="Top">
            <ScrollView AllowedScrollDirections="Horizontal">
                <PageIndicator Navigation="mainNav" Orientation="Horizontal" Alignment="Left" Margin="6,6,6,6">
                    <DockPanel ux:Template="Dot" Width="100" Height="40">
                        <Rectangle Height="40">
                            <SolidColor Color="#FFFFFF" />
                            <Text TextAlignment="Center" Alignment="Center" Value="{Page Title}" />
                            <WhileActive Threshold="0.4">
                                <Indicator />
                                <NavigateTo Target="{Page Visual}"/>
        <PageControl ux:Name="mainNav">
            <Each Items="{data}">
                <MyPage Title="{category}" router="router"/>    

Thank you.

This happens because a nested navigation interferes with the state of the router. In your case, the PageControls.

If you don’t need to control the PageControl instances using Router, you can add IsRouterOutlet="false" property on them, like so:

<PageControl ux:Name="mainNav" IsRouterOutlet="false">

Alternatively, you could hack around this on the child pages using OnBackButton and GoBack/GoForward targeting the needed router outlet with explicit NavigationContext set:

    <GoBack NavigationContext="uxNameOfParentLevelNavigator" />

Hope this helps!

Thank you!

 <PageControl ux:Name="mainNav" IsRouterOutlet="false">

Worked perfectly!