Mask on Android doesn't work as expected (and as it does on DotNetExe)

I’m adding a circular mask to my profile pictures.

The mask image is 256x256 in size, and on DotNetExe it looks passable (there are some oddities on the right and the bottom, they seem to be cut off prematurely, as you can see from the below screenshot).

As I am having trouble uploading pictures I am adding external links, this is what it looks like on DotNetExe:

On Android, however, it seems like the picture takes on the size of the mask, not of the image that has been laid out:

When I remove the mask, the image is laid out and positioned as expected on both Android and DotNetExe, in the center (screenshot from Android):

Thanks for reporting.

Someone will look into this shortly!

Fixed now :slight_smile: Will be in the next release