I have this very annoying issue with Fuse. It’s been around for a while. Maybe it’s a bug or maybe I’m doing something wrong, anyway here’s the case:
I have a main UX that contains the main.js
<JavaScript File="js/Main.js" />
Inside that Main.js I have a MessageHandler.js that adds messages to view.
var MessageHandler = require('js/MessageHandler');
MessageHandler has a public method addNew() and I call this method on Main initialization few times to add some starting messages. MessageHandler has a data Observable that contains the messages. These are shown in MainView.ux.
Problem is that when I save the MainView.ux, the Main.js is initialized several times and all starting messages are added to data Observable again. Plus if I add more messages to the by clicking the button in UX those are added too. I expose this Observable for my MainView.ux like this:
module.exports.data = MessageHandler.data;
Also when the Main.js is initialized several times it starts to make the refreshing the preview very slow in larger project.
Probably easier if you try it out your self. I have stripped down a project that shows the issue.
You should be able to reproduce this issue by building a local preview and then saving the MainView.ux again.
I’m on OSX and Fuse version is 0.20.2 (6524)