The localization process is performed by using the StateGroup
. For text works fine. But PlaceHolderText
one on top of another. It shows correctly if I delete the value I have entered any values (Figure 3). How can I solve this problem or can I fix it?
<StateGroup Active="{language}">
<State Name="tr">
<!-- SignUp -->
<ResourceString Key="FirstName" Value="adı" />
<ResourceString Key="LastName" Value="soyadı" />
<ResourceString Key="Email" Value="e-posta" />
<ResourceString Key="CID" Value="vatandaşlık numarası" />
<ResourceString Key="GSM" Value="gsm" />
<State Name="en">
<!-- SignUp -->
<ResourceString Key="FirstName" Value="first name" />
<ResourceString Key="LastName" Value="last name" />
<ResourceString Key="Email" Value="email" />
<ResourceString Key="CID" Value="citizen number" />
<ResourceString Key="GSM" Value="gsm" />
<StackPanel Alignment="VerticalCenter" Margin="0,-10,0,0" >
<Rectangle Width="345" Height="270" Color="white" CornerRadius="5">
<StackPanel Alignment="VerticalCenter" Margin="50,5,50,0">
<FormInput Font="AvenirLight" ux:Name="_first_name" PlaceholderText="{Resource FirstName}" MaxLength="20" Value="{_first_name}" />
<FormInput Font="AvenirLight" ux:Name="_last_name" PlaceholderText="{Resource LastName}" MaxLength="20" Value="{_last_name}" />
<FormInput Font="AvenirLight" ux:Name="_email" PlaceholderText="{Resource Email}" InputHint="Email" MaxLength="40" Value="{_email}" />
<FormInput Font="AvenirLight" ux:Name="_citizen_number" PlaceholderText="{Resource CID}" InputHint="Integer" MaxLength="11" Value="{_citizen_number}" />
<FormInput Font="AvenirLight" ux:Name="_gsm" PlaceholderText="{Resource GSM}" InputHint="Phone" MaxLength="10" Value="{_gsm}" />
Local Preview
Android Preview
Android Preview after word insert/delete action input
NOTE: Figure 2 in gsm fool you, the same word is used in both languages.