Keyboard error

In IOS and Android when I touch a TextInput the keyboard showup, when I touch outside or in any other element the keyboard hide. But when I touch it again the keyboard dont show up…

Its a bug or I need to do anything to show up again the keyboard?


This works fine on all the devices we’ve tested it on, both on Android and iOS. Which version of Fuse are you using? What does the code in question look like?

I notice that I have other TextInput that work fine but this when I touch her moves up, and then dont work fine (when I touch it again the keyboard dont show up).

Here is a similar example to what I have:

<Panel ux:Name="MyPanel" AnchorUnit="Percent" Anchor="50,50">
        <Clicked Handler="WhenClicked1" />

    <Clicked Handler="WhenClicked2" />

<ManualTrigger ux:Name="MyTrigger">
    <Change Target="MyPanel.Anchor" Value="50,80"  Duration="1"/>


void WhenClicked1(object sender, ClickedArgs args)
       MyTrigger.On = true;

void WhenClicked2(object sender, ClickedArgs args)
       MyTrigger.On = false;

I have the last version of Fuse

I can’t reproduce this. I am not sure what the full context of your UX is, but I tried the following:

<App Theme="Basic" ClearColor="#eeeeeeff">
        <Panel ux:Name="MyPanel" AnchorUnit="Percent" Anchor="50,50">
            <TextInput Text="sefposkef">
                <Clicked Handler="WhenClicked1" />

            <Clicked Handler="WhenClicked2" />

        <ManualTrigger ux:Name="MyTrigger">
            <Change Target="MyPanel.Anchor" Value="50,80"  Duration="1"/>

If I click in the text, the keyboard shows up. Then I click back to hide the keyboard, and when I once again click in the text input, the keyboard pops back up.

Why are you changing the anchoring by the way? Is it to move the UI to respond to the keyboard showing up?